Hello COS, From the above mentioned logs, it's looking like IPSec phase-1 started as an initiator, but the second packet didn't receive by the PAN firewall. Out of total 6 messages for PHASE-1 ( main mode), the 2nd message should be received from the responder with" responder cookies". The PAN firewall will wait for a particular time for that " message-2 with responder cookie", if not, then it will delete the Security-Association keys (SA). Hence there could be multiple reason behind this failure: 1. Could you please verify if both firewalls are having an untrust-to-untrust security policy to allow IKE. 2. Verify if the same packet has been received by the Juniper-FW also and tried sending Message-2. 3. Run below mentioned CLI command: >show vpn ipsec-sa tunnel <tunnel name> > show vpn ike-sa gateway > clear vpn ike-sa gateway XXXXX Delete IKEv1 IKE SA: Total 1 gateways found. > clear vpn ipsec-sa tunnel XXXXXX Delete IKEv1 IPSec SA: Total 1 tunnels found. > test vpn ike-sa gateway XXXXXX Initiate IKE SA: Total 1 gateways found. 1 ike sa found. > test vpn ipsec-sa tunnel XXXXXX Initiate IPSec SA: Total 1 tunnels found. 1 ipsec sa found. > show vpn flow >show vpn flow tunnel-id x << where x=id number from above display Reference doc: IPSec Error: IKE Phase-1 Negotiation is Failed as Initiator, Main Mode. Due to Negotiation Timeout CLI Commands to Status, Clear, Restore, and Monitor an IPSEC VPN Tunnel Please let us know the result. Thanks
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