I'm looking at the pros and cons of enabling forward decryption. I noticed there's an "Are you happy to continue" over-ride option but it's global i.e. it's simply on or off. I assume this won't play nice with any non-browser based https downloads? Also I couldn't work out if you say "yes" what constitutes a session, for example I went to https://domain1.com and got prompted, to which I said to continue, but I thought if I went to https://domain1.com in a different browser, or to https://domain2.com in either browser that I would be prompted again as it's a different site/cert etc. Also can I clarify exactly what forward decryption does - I presume it allows inspection for viruses, malware and threats as well as the ACC showing less "SSL" and more applications as the PAN is able to work out that it's gmail, facebook and so on? Thanks.
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