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Amazon GuardDuty to VM-Series Integration
Uses an AWS Lambda function to feed Amazon GuardDuty threat intelligence to the VM-Series for security policy execution.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Auto Scaling the VM-Series on AWS
A set of templates and scripts that deploys an AWS Load Balancer sandwich and the VM-Series firewalls to deliver an Auto Scaling solution for securing internet facing applications.
Auto Scaling the VM-Series on AWS
A set of templates and scripts that deploys an AWS Load Balancer sandwich and the VM-Series firewalls to deliver an Auto Scaling solution for securing internet facing applications.
Auto Scaling the VM-Series on AWS
A set of templates and scripts that deploys an AWS Load Balancer sandwich and the VM-Series firewalls to deliver an Auto Scaling solution for securing internet facing applications.
Auto Scaling VM-Series firewalls on AWS Version 2.1
A set of templates and scripts that deploys AWS Load Balancers and the VM-Series firewalls to deliver an Auto Scaling solution for securing internet facing applications. New in this version is the ability to protect existing workloads as well as net new.
Auto Scaling GlobalProtect on AWS
A sample prototype for Auto Scaling GlobalProtect on AWS.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Auto Scaling the VM-Series on AWS with Terraform
Terraform Template that deploys an AWS Load Balancer sandwich and the VM-Series firewalls to enable Auto Scaling.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
ALB/NLB Load Balancer sandwich for managed scale/high availability
Templates and scripts that deploy an AWS ALB/NLB Load Balancer sandwich and two VM-Series firewalls to deliver managed scale and high availability for inbound applications.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Palo Alto Networks NAT Rule Updater
A process for keeping NAT rule destination IPs in sync with changing Elastic Load Balancer VIPs. A Lambda function is used to retrieve the latest ELB VIPs and updates the NAT destination IP if necessary. The process uses naming conventions and instance tagging for configuration.
Partner Community Supported
Hybrid arch/two tier application environment protected by VM-Series
Sample AWS CloudFormation Template that deploys a two-tiered web/DB application environment secured by a VM-Series firewall.
AWS two-tier sample deployed with Terraform
Terraform template that deploys a two-tier web/DB application on AWS secured by a bootstrapped VM-Series firewall.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
AWS two-tier sample deployed with Terraform & Ansible
Deploys a two-tiered web/DB and bootstrapped VM-Series firewall using a Terraform Template. The VM-Series is then configured using Ansible scripts.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Transit VPC with the VM-Series on AWS
The AWS Transit VPC is a highly scalable architecture that provides centralized security and connectivity services. Our VM-Series integration with the Transit VPC allows for a fully automated method of securely attaching subscribing (spoke) VPCs to the transit VPC.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Transit VPC Manual Build Step-by-Step Guide
Guides user through the process of building a Transit VPC with the VM-Series. Once completed, the user will have built a Hub, and 3 subscribing VPC spokes.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
AWS Transit Gateway – Manual Build
Step by step guide to deploying a Transit Gateway within a Transit VPC with the VM-Series.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Transit VPC CloudFormation Template
CloudFormation Template that a automates the deployment of a Transit Gateway within a Transit VPC with the VM-Series.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Transit Gateway Deployment for North/South and East/West Inspection
Terraform Template that a automates the deployment of a Transit Gateway within a Transit VPC with the VM-Series.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Using User-ID to block malicious source IPs
Enables the VM-Series to block malicious source IP addresses when deployed behind a Source NAT device like an AWS ALB by feeding X-Forward-For header to User-ID.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Terraform Template that deploys a two-tier containerized application on AKS secured by VM-Series
Uses a Terraform template to deploy (2) two-tiered containerized applications (Guestbook app and a WordPress server) within an AKS cluster that is protected by the VM-Series in an Application Gateway/Load Balancer sandwich.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Deploys a VM-Series with 4 interfaces into an existing Microsoft Azure environment.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Deploys a VM-Series with 3 interfaces (1-MGMT and 2-Dataplane) into an existing Microsoft Azure environment.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Multiple Azure interface variations
Several ARM templates for the VM-Series with varying options including multiple interfaces.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Deploys a Public Azure Load Balancer in front of 2 VM-Series firewalls with the following features:
Note: This template deploys into existing VNETs and storage accounts within the same region. As a result, the storage account and VNET must be created before deploying this template.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Managed Scale and Resiliency for the VM-Series on Microsoft Azure
An ARM template that deploys two VM-Series firewalls between a pair of Azure load balancers to deliver managed scale and high availability for internet facing applications.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Using VM-Series Firewalls to Secure Internet-Facing Web Workloads
This template creates a highly available VM-Series security solution for Azure for both inbound traffic and outbound traffic. It uses VM-Series firewall pairs coupled with Azure load balancers for a fully redundant security solution.
Auto Scaling the VM-Series-firewall on Azure v1.0
Templates and scripts that deploy Azure Load Balancers and the VM-Series firewalls to deliver security for internet facing applications. Allows for protecting of new or existing workloads.
Azure Transit VNet with the VM-Series
Deploys a Hub and Spoke architecture to centralize commonly used services such as security and secure connectivity. All traffic to and from the Spokes will 'transit' the Hub VNet and will be protected by the VM-Series next generation firewall.
Azure Transit VNET architecture with auto scaling VM-Series in application spoke
Deploys a Hub and Spoke architecture to centralize commonly used services such as security and secure connectivity. All traffic to and from the Spokes will 'transit' the Hub VNET and will be protected by the VM-Series next generation firewall. Version 1.1 adds ability to do auto scaling for VM-Series to protect Internet facing applications running in a spoke VNET.
Two tier application environment protected by VM-Series
ARM template that deploys a two-tiered web/DB application environment secured by a VM-Series firewall. Template includes relevant User-Defined Route (UDR) tables to send all traffic through the VM-Series firewall.
Terraform two tier application environment protected by VM-Series
A Terraform Template that deploys two-tiered web/DB application environment secured by a VM-Series firewall.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Azure VM Monitoring
Python script that harvests Azure VM properties and publishes them as IP-tag mappings that can be used in a Dynamic Address Group.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Load balancer sandwich with the VM-Series
Uses a Terraform template to a load balancer sandwich, web servers and VM-Series firewalls.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
GKE load balancer sandwich with the VM-Series
Uses a Terraform template to a GKE load balancer sandwich and VM-Series firewalls.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Two-Tier containerized application on GKE secured by VM-Series
This provides the instructions and Terraform template to deploy a GKE cluster and VM-Series firewall in a GCP project. It then guides users through the process of deploying a 2-tier containerized application with an internal load balancer. Finally the lab shows how both North/South and East/West visibilty can be achieved via the VM-Series firewall located in the same GCP project as the GKE cluster.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Two tier application environment protected by VM-Series
Uses a GCP template to deploy a two-tiered web server/DB application environment protected by a bootstrapped VM-Series firewall.
Two tier application environment protected by VM-Series
Uses a Terraform template to deploy a two-tiered web server/DB application environment protected by a bootstrapped VM-Series firewall.
Palo Alto Networks Community Supported
Device Package for Cisco ACI
Device Package for Cisco ACI that integrates Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls and Panorama centralized manager into the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure for automated deployments of application-based network and security policy.
Palo Alto Networks Palo Alto Networks and Community Supported
VM-Series Heat Orchestration Templates
This is an OpenStack Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) repository to deploy and/or configure Palo Alto Networks VM-Series virtualized next-generation firewall in an OpenStack cloud. In this repository, there are sample templates that should be used as a reference and customized for your network security design.
Palo Alto Networks Palo Alto Networks and Community Supported
Palo Alto Networks Ansible Modules
Ansible collection for easy automation of Palo Alto Networks next generation firewalls and Panorama, in both physical and virtual form factors.
Palo Alto Networks pan.dev Supported
Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS Python
The PAN-OS SDK for Python is a package to help interact with Palo Alto Networks devices (including physical and virtualized Next-generation Firewalls and Panorama). The pan-os-python SDK is object oriented and mimics the traditional interaction with the device via the GUI or CLI/API.
Palo Alto Networks pan.dev Supported
Provider for PAN-OS
Automates various configuration and policy aspects of the Palo Alto Networks physical or virtualized next generation firewalls and Panorama.
Palo Alto Networks pan.dev Supported
Palo Alto Networks Repository of Terraform Modules
Palo Alto Networks pan.dev Supported
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