Ansible and LDAP
For a PAN device connected with an LDAP server - is it possible to create an address group object containing users added with "Authentication profile: LDAP", using Ansible?
Thank you for your time.
Best regards.
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Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.
Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.
For a PAN device connected with an LDAP server - is it possible to create an address group object containing users added with "Authentication profile: LDAP", using Ansible?
Thank you for your time.
Best regards.
What kind of least privilege account role would be needed for dagpusher.
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fw = pandevice.base.PanDevice('',api_key='abcdefgh')
fwcmd = fw.op(cmd='show global-protect-gateway current-user',xm
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- name: 'Palo Alto PAN OS: Create a new tag object.'
hosts: all
connection: local
gather_facts: true
- paloaltonetworks.panos
- name: Get the sy
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testing the following seems to basically overwrite anything not provided to 'any'
- name: update rules
I would attribute specific rights to an key on my panorama.
However when i use curl command or simply the the url like https://firewall/api/?type=keygen&user=username&password=password
I get each time the same key, no matter the user used, it's al
Hi Guys,
I need to translate the base 'xml' config to 'ansible'.
I cannot locate any concrete information on doing the above:
- Management creation
- Policy definition
- Static Routes
- VPN i.e. Tunnel etc
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I have a very simple python script that uses ssh=paramiko.SSHClient(), ssh.connect (host, 22, user, password), stdin, stdout, stderr=ssh.exec_command(command), and for line in print(line).
When I set host, user, password a
Why am I not getting response when using pan.xapi vs
from python interpretor:
api_sess = pan.xapi.PanXapi(hostname="",api_username="myusername", api_password="mypassword",api_key='mykey') = "/config/device
I did some work with pandevice and I am able to create new configuration in a Firewall, but struggling working with the existing Panorama configuration. Can you please help me with ideas for the below.
I need to move a firewall between panorama appl
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