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Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.

About Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


Ansible beginner ping to PA firewall

I am new to ansible and i am trying to do a simple ping test to a host that i want to test. I enter the command "ansible all -m ping" and got this error


10.2x.x.x | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: This


Resolved! Panorama API URL log job limit

I am trying to use API calls to retrieve url logs from Panorama following guide:

I h


Get config diff for single user from CLI/API

Is it possible to get a config diff for a single user from the CLI or XML API, the way you can through the GUI by selecting "Commit Changes Made By: user" and "Preview Changes"?


Running 'show config diff' from the CLI shows me the diff between the ru


Pulling interface details using python SDK

Hi All ,


I am trying to pull interface details using Python SDK . However getting below error :


PanDeviceXapiError: show -> interface -> all needs to have non NULL value



Trying to run below query :


Intedetails = fw.op("show interface all", xml=True)

deepak12 by L3 Networker
  • 2 replies

Resolved! API Key for HA Pair

I have a HA pair (PA-3020) and have generated a API key on the active node using the url and the admin username and password. 


Will this API key be applicable for both nodes?


Thanks for your help.

Lesgall by L1 Bithead
  • 2 replies

Pre-VPN Drive Mapping batch script in Registry Key

So I'm having an issue getting a batch script to run from inside the pre-vpn-connect registry key. 


I followed this article exactly with a couple different variations and no matter what I do the batch script is not being triggered. 



Destination zone shows as ****

The API command "/api/?key={KEY}&type=config&action=get&xpath=/config/panorama&target={SERIAL}" generates an XML dump of the firewall's configuration. However, the XML contains "*****" instead of the destination zone name.

snimshad by L1 Bithead
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Help with Python script

Hi All , 


I am trying with basic python script for Operational cmd. However getting syntax error  for print statement :


from pandevice import base
from pandevice import firewall
from pandevice import policies
from pandevice import objects
from pandevice


deepak12 by L3 Networker
  • 2 replies

Creation of address using REST API

Hi All ,


I am trying to create new address using REST API and entering details POSTMAN. 


However while running query getting " 400 cannot Json to xml".


Any idea how we need to put values ?

deepak12 by L3 Networker
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