How to Use Palo Alto Networks New-Feature Request

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 Did you know that you can request new features? If you notice a missing functionality or are in need of an enhancement, here's what to do.


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you want to test or configure something specific on your device, only to find out that it's not supported (yet)? I know I have—and I'm certain many of you have, too. In fact, the two most-replied-to discussions on LIVEcommunity are:



If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can reach out to your Palo Alto Networks representative. You'll send them all the details about the feature in question, and they'll take the necessary steps to have a Feature Request created for you. They'll give you a Feature Request ID (FRID). Each FRID can then be voted on by other Palo Alto Networks customers. Based on urgency, number of votes, and other factors, PAN will then decide which new features will be considered for new software and/or hardware releases.


The official FRID-list from Palo Alto Networks isn't publicly available, but @Remo created a very nice list of current publicly known FRIDs. So, instead of immediately reaching out to your local SE, you can browse the list and its replies to find your item, and then add your vote to it. Currently, you can't add your vote yourself—that must be done through your local Palo Alto Networks sales rep.


Do you have an ID that you would like other customers to add their vote on? Feel free to promote your FRID in the discussions area and ask others to up-vote your request.


PAN-OS is already a feature rich firewall operating system, however there's always room for improvement, for example:


  • You've noticed that your firewall doesn't have an extendable umbrella to protect you from rain in your datacenter 
  • Each time the firewall blocks a threat, it should be able to play the purge siren to let you and your management know it is doing a great job (thanks @reaper for this much-needed feature)


So there it is! Now you know the process for requesting new features for a more secure future. Are there other features you would like to see? Do you have FRIDs that you would like to promote, so others can vote on them? Feel free to add them to the comments section below or go to discussion topics I mentioned earlier.


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Kiwi out!

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