Cortex XDR Discussions
Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
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Cortex XDR Discussions
Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
About Cortex XDR Discussions

Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.

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Cortex XDR XQL Query

Hi Team,

Could you please provide us with the XQL query to retrieve the reasons behind the "Agent Disconnected" and "Connection Lost" statuses from Cortex XDR? I have attempted to create a query, but I haven't obtained any results. Please assist me


Resolved! Summarise XQL results by hostname

Is it possible to group\count\summarise results from an XQL query by hostname rather than seeing every entry for every event?


for example:

dataset = xdr_data
| filter event_type = FILE and
actor_process_image_name contains "Something" 


is there som


Querying BitLocker status on a certain endpoint

I am aware of "Disk Encryption Visibility" where we can see the encryption status all volumes under any endpoints. But it appears we can't filter on this field (Volumes Status).


Is there any way at all to programmatically answer a simple question l


tmeksik by L1 Bithead
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Denied URL - Broker VM

Hi team!


Does anyone have or have had a situation where the applet local agent settings show "Denied url: URL_HERE"? 


 Sometimes for short periods of time (around 5 -30 seconds) our broker VMs turn on in red the applet and we can see the message


MarcoMJ by L1 Bithead
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