Cortex XSOAR Release Announcements
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for more details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available for GA.    Here are some highlights from this release:   Unit 42 Intel  Service: Enables you to identify threats in your network and discover and contextualize trends. Unit 42 Intel data is continually updated to include the most recent threat samples analyzed by Palo Alto Networks, enabling you to keep up to date with threat trends and take a proactive approach to securing your network. Threat Intel Reports: Summarize and share threat intelligence research conducted within your organization by threat analysts and threat hunters. Threat intelligence reports help you to communicate the current threat landscape to internal and external stakeholders, whether in the form of high-level summary reports for C-level executives, or detailed, tactical reports for the SOC and other security stakeholders. Lists: Lists can now be included in a Content Pack and be installed from the Marketplace. You can also download/upload lists, and in a remote repository, lists can be pushed to a production environment. Settings Hierachy: The Settings page has been reorganized by adding a new OBJECTS SETUP tab, which includes Incidents, Indicators, and Threat Intel Reports. 
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for more details.  
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for more details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for more details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for more details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for more details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes, and this CVE,  for more details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes, and this CVE,  for more details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available for GA.    Here are some highlights from this release:   Playbook Debugger: Enables you to build and troubleshoot playbooks, by helping you find tasks that might fail and by testing different conditions, branches, and input and output options.  Indicator Relationships: Augment threat intel by identifying connections between different Cortex XSOAR objects that enable you to enhance investigations with information about indicators and how they might be connected to other incidents or indicators. System Diagnostics: A dedicated page where you can easily identify and fix common performance and system issues. Widget Builder: Define and configure data, and preview how that widget appears. The aim of the widget builder is to be able to create complex widgets, which eliminates the need to write scripts or upload JSON files.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including bug fixes and enhancements.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including bug fixes and enhancements.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available for GA.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including new features and breaking changes.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including bug fixes and enhancements.  
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Symptoms The following content pack versions of the Phishing and Malware packs caused Cortex XSOAR to possibly delete the corresponding incident types from the system.  If they were deleted in the system, processing incidents of these types will fail. Phishing v2.0.1 Malware v1.2.5 and v1.2.6 Diagnosis Check if one or both of the incident types were deleted from the system.   Solution If the Phishing and/or Malware incident types were deleted, you need to update these content packs to the latest version. Note that any customizations made to these incident types will not be retained and you will need to reapply all customizations to the incident types.
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Cortex XSOAR 6.0.2 (B94597) is a maintenance release that implements code improvements to address the recently announced CVEs in Golang's XML parser that compromised the security of SAML authentication.   Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for additional information.
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Cortex XSOAR 5.5 (B94592) is a maintenance release that implements code improvements to address the recently announced CVEs in Golang's XML parser that compromised the security of SAML authentication.   Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for additional information.
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Cortex XSOAR 6.0.2 (B93351) Released The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including bug fixes and enhancements.
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Cortex XSOAR 6.0.2 (B90947) Released The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including bug fixes and enhancements.
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Cortex XSOAR 6.0.1 (B87052) Released The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including bug fixes and enhancements.
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The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including new features and breaking changes.
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Cortex XSOAR 6.0.1 (B84583) Released The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including bug fixes and enhancements.
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Cortex XSOAR 6.0.1 (B84583) Released The newest version of Cortex XSOAR is now available.  Check out the Cortex XSOAR Release Notes for release details, including new features, bug fixes, and enhancements.
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