Expedition Discussions
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Expedition Discussions


Resolved! ML gets stuck at "Pending"

I started by running the command

scp export log traffic start-time equal 2018/07/30@00:00:00 end-time equal 2018/07/30@23:45:00 to expedition@

on my PA220. 


root@Expedition:/PALogs# ls -l
total 64296
-rw-rw-r-- 1 expe


mbowling by L1 Bithead
  • 26 replies

If You Need an OVA...

I created an OVA for my team and put it up here (Note, this isn't the official release now offered by PANW):



Be sure to go Settings > M. Learning > and change the Expedition ML Addr


trice by L1 Bithead
  • 45 replies

Resolved! How to Upload configuration files bigger than 2MB

Expedition uses APACHE as a web server and PHP as module for the scripts. By default PHP allow users to upload files with a maximum size of 2M, this can be updated by changing the PHP.ini


sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini go to line where this ...

alestevez by L7 Applicator
  • 5 replies

Base configuration is emptiy after import

After a Panorama import in my projekt can i see 4707 Adresses 600 Services and any more. But in the rigth corner i see no configuration. And the Base Configuration[Output] on Export Windows are empty


I am using expedition version 1.1.26 on an ESX V


M.Learning Search Files Function not working

I am on Expedition version 1.1.26

I cannot get the Serach File function in M.Learning under a Panorama device to work. I have verified the permissions for the directory and the directory mapping. This had worked in earlier versions but does not appea



Cannot load unnamed snapshots

Running Expedition 1.1.26


Saving a project snapshot with a name works well, I can select it and load it again later.


If I don’t explicitly fill in a name but leave it blank the system creates a name for me. 


If I later try to select that name t


Auto zone assign - append



I have a 2 Checkpoint clusters to be migrated to Palo Alto, Panorama managed.

The checkpoints are centrally managed via 1 security policy , while on each cluster the routing and dmz can be different.

In the example clusterA has 1 local dmz, whi


Expedition App-ID Adoption

Trying to use Expedition to migrate port based rules to App-ID. I have imported the Panorama running config and added the Log Collector Plugin. I clone the rules and then select App-ID Adoption to retrieve Apps on my selected rules and Expedition gen


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