Expedition Discussions
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Expedition Discussions


Resolved! ML gets stuck at "Pending"

I started by running the command

scp export log traffic start-time equal 2018/07/30@00:00:00 end-time equal 2018/07/30@23:45:00 to expedition@

on my PA220. 


root@Expedition:/PALogs# ls -l
total 64296
-rw-rw-r-- 1 expe


mbowling by L1 Bithead
  • 26 replies

If You Need an OVA...

I created an OVA for my team and put it up here (Note, this isn't the official release now offered by PANW):



Be sure to go Settings > M. Learning > and change the Expedition ML Addr


trice by L1 Bithead
  • 45 replies

Resolved! How to Upload configuration files bigger than 2MB

Expedition uses APACHE as a web server and PHP as module for the scripts. By default PHP allow users to upload files with a maximum size of 2M, this can be updated by changing the PHP.ini


sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini go to line where this ...

alestevez by L7 Applicator
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Region Discovery Job Failing

I am unable to get region discovery jobs working in my Expedition instance. I can discover networks as expected but the "Analyze Enabled Networks" feature never produces any output. The Spark job appears to be hung but all steps are listed as success


Migration form Chekpoint >R80 to Palo alto

We are in the process of migration form checkpoint 156000 to palo alto 5420. The Checkpoint version we're migration form is >R80.


here's an overview of the migration process so far;

We successfully removed invalid and duplicate objects in Addresses


Resolved! Palo to Palo migration

Hi all,


I have a few questions regarding doing a palo to palo migration:

- Are there any best practices for doing a Palo to Palo migration via Expedition

- Is there any difference in uploading an palo config xml to migrate as opposed to API call?



Resolved! Export Original Other Vendor Configurations?

We have an old project were we need to get the original Cisco configuration (before any modifications to migrate to Palo Alto).


Does Expedition provide any means of obtaining the original configurations uploaded in the Import tab?


Thank you

Resolved! Fortinet Migrate IPsec Tunnels


Is it possible to import Fortinet IPsec Tunnels to Export them to PANW Strata Firewalls?

Is there a Feature Matrix, what can be imported from the different Devices?


Thanks and kind regards,


More big problems with the Foritgate parser

I am still having major issues with Expedition with the Fortigate configuration parser.


The last bug fix took care of some of the issues, but I have again reached a standstill where I have objects that can not be deleted. I didn't figure this out t


Resolved! Expedition Dashboard chart for disk usage

I have a new install of Expedition and moved the /data to a bigger partition. On the dashboard page the under ML Health, the DISK usage shows to correct size. However on the chart, the disk is showing the / root directory which is on a different part


Resolved! Expedition v2 recommended VM sizing on ESXi?

  • Summary:  I want to spin up Expedition v2 with enough resources to migrate 125+ lsys off of Juniper ScreenOS and JunOS, and also have the ability to use Expedition to "Normalize/Optimize/Eliminate" duplicate objects, unused rules, merge nearly duplic

Resolved! Import Rulebase from CSV

I trying to migrate Watchguard to Palo Alto and trying to import the rule base from CSV file.


It seem to work well if I have only on value in each field of a policy, e.g. only single zone, single address or service.


Is it possible to have multipl


BatD by L4 Transporter
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