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This Nominated Discussion Article is based on the post "Unable to change hardware udp session offloading setting as false" by @JoHyeonJae and responded to by @TomYoung. Read on to see the discussion and solution
I am using PA-440 on the PAN-OS 10.2.3-h4.
Due to performance degradation issues, hardware session offloading and hardware udp session offloading was changed to false through the following commands.
> configure # set deviceconfig setting session offload no # commit
However, hardware session offloading has changed normally, but hardware udp session offloading has an issue that does not change.
Moreover, the system display that 'set session udp-offload no' is an invalid command.
These documents say that offloading is only supported on the PA-3200, PA-5200, and PA-7000 Series. https://knowledgebase.paloaltonetworks.com/KCSArticleDetail?id=kA10g000000Cm8cCAC So does this one. https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/10-2/pan-os-admin/monitoring/take-packet-captures/disable-h...
The 1st URL mentions an FPGA that is used for it. This link -> https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/resources/pa-series-next-generation-firewalls-hardware-architecture... show FPGAs for the 3 Series above and the PA-5400 Series, but not the PA-400.
So, it has never been a feature on the lower end models, and the PA-400 Series does not have FPGAs. I could be wrong but the evidence suggests the PA-400 does not support this feature which is why you're getting the "Invalid Syntax" error.