Nominated Discussion: Cannot Change Application Risk Level in ACC

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This Nominated Discussion Article is based on the post "Cannot Change Application Risk Level in ACC" by @engineerwang and answered @Brandon_Wertz. Read on if you are curious about how to change Application Risk Level in ACC.










I'm running PA-200 ,10.1, virtual machine,


Setting an applicaiton (FTP) risk level from 5 to 1 manually, and it showing up correctly in the application's open window details; however, it is still a level 5 risk application in ACC. I have committed my change, and even reboot my PA-200


I also tried to use CLI like this:

set shared override application ftp risk 1
show shared override application ftp.

but no luck


Anyone have an easy fix for this?

I'm fairly certain you can't modify the default application. The Risk override will happen on a "cloned" application the "app override" application. Looking at your screenshot, you have a custom app called "myftp". It's this application that you can set the ACC Risk level for.  


In order to see the ACC risk level you want you'll need to use this custom application "myftp" in any security policy to see the ACC risk level of "1."


Thank you very much!

One more question, how to remove application like FTP in ACC, I'm certain it is safe and it is really annoying to see it every time in ACC


If users can not change the risk level of default application, why there is a interface,a and what it is use for?

ACC is only showing you applications that are being seen (allowed or denied.). If you're seeing "FTP" as an allowed application it's because you have a security policy that allows FTP and it's being used. 
If you want your custom application to be used instead of "FTP" then you will need to create a new rule with your custom FTP app and place that rule above the rule that FTP is being allowed on. Or you can simply replace your custom FTP app on the rule that FTP is being allowed on.


You will need to be careful though, because if FTP is being allowed on a rule that doesn't define ANY application then adding your custom app to the rule will instantly not allow any other applications on the rule and only allow the apps that you have defined in the rule.


@engineerwang wrote:

if users can not change the risk level of default application, why there is a interface,a and what it is use for?

My only assumption it's so that admins of the FW can understand the parameters of how Palo Alto has defined the applications that exist on the firewall.


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Last Updated:
‎08-29-2024 03:01 PM
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