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Community Team Member

Hi @JensWilladsen,


The Threat database handler is a 'known' commit failure.


In most cases a corrupt AV signature database or Content database will cause these type of auto commit failures.   AV update process or Content update process might have been terminated abruptly without any indication to the user leaving the AV signature database corrupt  or Content database corrupt.


Usually a manual Anti-Virus install from the CLI will serve as a workaround for this issue.  Download the Anti-Virus file manually from and upload the same to the firewall. After the upload, use the following command to do the manaul AV install from the CLI.


> request anti-virus upgrade install file


If the manual install workaround fails for some reason, then another workaround for this issue is described below:


  1. Remove the contents of the following folders (root access might be required ... contact Support for this):
    Remove only the contents of the folder and leave the folders intact.
  2. Restart the device server process.
  3. Do a commit force. 

Below are some articles and discussions that discuss this behaviour and offer possible workaround/solution :


Threat Database Handler Failed Commit Error

Error Threat database handler failed Module device


Cheers !


LIVEcommunity team member, CISSP
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