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Digging into the depths of policy details can be quite the task, especially after a long and tiring day. But fear not, handy search tools are here to lighten your load!


Here's how it works: Simply pop in a keyword related to what you're hunting for. This could be the name of a policy (just squish it into one word), an IP address or object name, maybe an application, or even a service.


Keep in mind though, wildcards (like *) aren't supported. You'll need a partial or an exact match.

Add a partial IP address and you'll get all the partial and exact matches in the result:


Fig 1_Filtering-the-Security-Policy_palo-alto-networks.png


Want to narrow things down even further? You can target your search to specific fields like the source zone or application. And guess what? There’s a super handy drop-down function that sets up your search filter in a snap. Easy-peasy!


add to filter.gif

You can also create a search string manually. I've provided a list of all fields below:


Name: (name contains 'unlocate-block')

Tags: (tag/member eq 'tagname')

Type: (rule-type eq 'intrazone|interzone')

Source Zone: (from/member eq 'zonename')

Source Address: (source/member eq 'any|ip|object')

Source User: (source-user/member eq 'any|username|groupname')

Hip profile:  (hip-profiles/member eq 'any|profilename')

Destination Zone: (to/member eq 'zonename')

Destination Address: (destination/member eq 'any|ip|object')

Destination User: (destination-user/member eq 'any|username|groupname')

Application: (application/member eq 'any|applicationname|applicationgroup|applicationfilter')

Service: (service/member eq 'any|servicename|application-default')

URL Category: (category/member eq 'any|categoryname')

           This is a destination category, not a URL filtering security profile

Action: (action eq 'allow|drop|deny|reset-client|reset-server|reset-both')

Action send ICMP unreachable: (icmp-unreachable eq 'yes')

Security Profiles:

      (profile-setting/profiles/virus/member eq 'profilename')

      (profile-setting/profiles/spyware/member eq 'profilename')

      (profile-setting/profiles/vulnerability/member eq 'profilename')

      (profile-setting/profiles/url-filtering/member eq 'profilename')

      (profile-setting/profiles/file-blocking/member eq 'profilename')

      (profile-setting/profiles/wildfire-analysis/member eq 'profilegroupname')

      (profile-setting/group/member eq 'profilename')

Disable server response inspection: (option/disable-server-response-inspection eq 'yes')

Log at session start: (log-start eq 'yes|no')

Log at session end: (log-end eq 'yes|no')

Schedule: (schedule eq 'schedulename')

Log Forwarding:  (log-setting eq "forwardingprofilename')

Qos Marking:    (qos/marking/ip-dscp eq 'codepoint')

                            (qos/marking/ip-precedence eq 'codepoint')

                            (qos/marking/follow-c2s-flow eq '')

Description: (description contains '<keyword>')

Disabled policy: (disabled eq yes|no)  

           policies will only respond to 'no' if they have been disabled before


As you can see in the examples above the operands are 'contains' and 'eq' (=equals).

Note that you can also use the negate option using the operand 'neq' (=not equals).

For example, here's how you can use the negate option to list all the rules that do NOT have a ALLOW action: (action neq 'allow'):


Fig 3_Filtering-the-Security-Policy_palo-alto-networks.png


Tag Browser can also come in very handy if you're able to tag all your security policies. It can be used in a similar way as the search function and display only the selected tags.


More information and a tutorial video on the Tag Browser can be found here: Tutorial: Tag Browser


Hope this was helpful, feel free to ask questions or post remarks below.


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Stay Secure,
Kiwi out!

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