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Create a PDF File

Hi everyone


What is the best way to create a PDF within a Playboook? What are you all using?

Data format doesn't matter but some customisation about the pdf format would be nice.




micomi by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Prefered PANOS version

Dear Friends,


One of my customer is facing issue with inbound connection traffic after upgrading firewall from 11.0.4-h1 to 11.1.2-h3.

Where inbound traffic was not reaching to firewall although 11.1.2-h3 is the prefered version.

Additionally, we c


Palo Alto to Sonicwall



I have a  new SonicWALL and I'm configuring the SonicWALL with the same config as the palo alto.


I'm confused with the Interface  1/2 setup.  It has no IP and it says assign interface to vlan: Office-Lan.


How do I set up this on the SonicW


Cortex XDR CE version

How to know if Cortex XDR version is CE.


Will it show on the table when I go to Endpoints ----> All Endpoints and on the Agent Version Field it should have for example 7.9.102CE, if it shows 7.9.102 only then it is a standard version? 


Thank you.

Resolved! Device - certificate based authentication

I am attempting to implement this in my home lab. Has anyone done this?

Basically the situation where if a device connects to the network, it should have a certificate installed from my CA. If it does not, then a security policy (or other policy) sho


Global Protect on Mac OS 14.5



I downloaded GlobalProtect app on my Macbook with Mac OS 14.5, but after allowing access from privacy and security, the application doesn't work.

When I click on it to open the application, nothing happens. I don't have it on my menu bar eit


DHCP Realy



I have an issue related to DHCP Relay, I configured it on my Palo Alto to allow users to get IP from the DHCP server behind the Palo Alto but it not working can anyone help me how can I troubleshoot this issue to check if this issue from Pal


amr.ali by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

New Advanced URL Filtering category: Marijuana



Palo Alto Networks will release a new Advanced URL Filtering category called “Marijuana”.


ACTION: Action may be required. The default action for this new Marijuana category is “allow.” If you currently alert on or block marijuana websites (usi


hsrinath by L1 Bithead
  • 9 replies

Global Protect Failed Service Running

User got a problem when running global protect vpn at home, and i trying to reinstall, but service could not connect global protect service, I am trying update  OS Windows driver but nothing  happen, I need your support ho to fix it, thank you.



Yapet_ID by L1 Bithead
  • 5 replies
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