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Automation/API Discussions

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Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


Resolved! Get routes through Panorama

Hello Fellow Community Members,


we are currently working on automation solution which involves getting routing tables from firewalls. Is there any way we can get routing tables from firewalls through Panorama's API?


Thanks in advance!

czinu by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Visual Basic script via API. How to add changes



I have configured a script in Visual Basic to disconnect all the GP VPN users logged but now I need to make an exception in order to not disconnect only one user.


I don't know how to code this exception.



After reading all the users logged in


Get Tunnel ProxyID - panos python SDK


Hi all,
i really need for some help.

I´m trying to retrieve the proxy_id configured in the firewall using SDK, it´s not working:

import getpass from panos import network from panos import policies from panos import firewall from panos import objects fr

Save firewall device state from Panorama (API)

I try to backup all the device states of firewalls managed by a Panorama, and to download these device states on the server where the script is run.


When I try to backup using the firewall API itself, it is working (the output file is indeed the devi


brisonjf by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Palo Alto Rest API

I need speed/duplex/state information from Firewall Interfaces. in panorama gui it is showing in Link-State. I need the same information via REST API. 

ARMohan by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

network interface through loop/iteration

i'm trying to create interface every time i run my playbook and meanwhile i also need to make sure that it will compare the existing interface details and creating new one by incrementing interface/tunnel no...

i have tried to create two task , first


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