Cortex XDR Discussions

Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
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Cortex XDR Discussions
Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
About Cortex XDR Discussions

Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.

Please note: All postings in LIVEcommunity are visible to other users; please keep your network secure by refraining from posting live IP address’s or domain names here. Contact your Customer Success team for network-specific questions.


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  1. Be Respectful: Treat fellow community members with professionalism and courtesy. Constructive discussion

JayGolf by Community Team Member
  • 0 replies

Resolved! Can't register Broker VM

I downloaded and setup the Broker VM Virtual machine in Hyper V on a server 2016 computer, I log into the IP address, go through the setup steps, test my connection to the time server, then click register and paste the token from the page I got the V



Resolved! XQL "call" functions from scripts library

Hi Peeps,


So XQL has this call function to fetch results from a saved query in the query library. Lets take this for example:


call "All appdata executions for the past 30 days"


Now, the problem is that my saved query is waiting for a parameter


Endpoints not being reflected on the XDR console

Hello ,


We are facing an issue where an endpoint will be reflected on XDR console but after some time the same endpoint will not be seen on the console . Somehow it will come again after a while or a day or two. Does anyone know why this might be h


NivedaR by L2 Linker
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Xdr ramsonware test is not detected

Hi. We recently we have acquired a solution to test our systems.
In one of the tests, we have detected that Cortex does not detect attacks, such as using util control with .net injection.
The test machine has created a malware profile with everything l


Resolved! Exporting alert related data

Hi All,


Is there a way to export all the alert data which appears below Causality chain like network connections, registry changes, etc ?


I don't see any download or export icon on the right-hand side of the pane. 


Do we have any other way to e


MithunKT by L2 Linker
  • 4 replies

Resolved! Tamper protection question

Hello dear live Community! 


I found a very interesting link on Twitter and would like to know if there is any detection and/or prevention for this technique?





Cyber1985 by L3 Networker
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Duplicate endpoint entries observed

Hi All,


We have started noticing duplicate endpoint entries in the "All Endpoints" section.

After checking all the fields we found that there are different endpoint_ids for the same endpoint name.

What could be the reason behind the creation of thes


MithunKT by L2 Linker
  • 10 replies

Cortex XQL Query

Hi Guys,


Sort of new to XDR does anyone have any good xql queries for detecting assets without cortex agents installed and if the cyserver service has stopped working?




System Lockdown with XDR

Hi Folks,


With Cortex XDR can we use feature like System lockdown, more likely say that execute only allowed application and rest all blocked.


It is possible?


Cortex XDR 




Resolved! Cortex Agent and PostgreSQL Server

Has anyone installed a Cortex Agent on a high performance database server such as PostgreSQL?  We are reaching the point in our rollout where we will need to decide if this is something that we can do without negatively impacting the performance of o


Resolved! Serial Number of endpoints

Hi All,


Does the Cortex XDR agent fetches endpoint serial number ?
If yes, where I can find it in the XDR console(Under which field).


Thanks in advance !!

MithunKT by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies
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