Expedition Discussions

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Expedition Discussions


Resolved! ML gets stuck at "Pending"

I started by running the command

scp export log traffic start-time equal 2018/07/30@00:00:00 end-time equal 2018/07/30@23:45:00 to expedition@

on my PA220. 


root@Expedition:/PALogs# ls -l
total 64296
-rw-rw-r-- 1 expe


mbowling by L1 Bithead
  • 26 replies

If You Need an OVA...

I created an OVA for my team and put it up here (Note, this isn't the official release now offered by PANW):



Be sure to go Settings > M. Learning > and change the Expedition ML Addr


trice by L1 Bithead
  • 45 replies

Resolved! How to Upload configuration files bigger than 2MB

Expedition uses APACHE as a web server and PHP as module for the scripts. By default PHP allow users to upload files with a maximum size of 2M, this can be updated by changing the PHP.ini


sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini go to line where this ...

alestevez by L7 Applicator
  • 5 replies

Resolved! Expedition Migration Checkpoint User ID

Hello All,


we have done a Migration from Checkpoint (R80.20) to Palo Alto with Expedition. Everything is working good and the Configuration is already imported into the new 5200 Cluster. Since there are more than 3000 Security Policies, we have don


Expedition - Panorama managed device

I finally got Expedition working and retrieved Panorama configuration successfully. When creating a project, should I add the firewall or Panorama ? Also, after cleaning up the config to the point it is ready to be deployed how can I push the config


Expedition not producing SET commands

Upgraded Expedition and now the ' Export / Generate XML and Set Output ' produces a blank (zero byte) MT-project-set.txt file.


Did I miss something in the release notes that this feature is no longer supported ?

I require it for some of my post pro


Resolved! How to remove a base configuration?

Hello community,


My question is simple, what is the procees to remove or delete a PANOS base config?

For example, I upload one xml base config, but in a couple of days I check and prefer upload another base config maybe because I added one configur


Radius auth error

Hi !

I just installed a fresh new Expedition server running on Ubuntu 20.

Everything is working fine except the Radius authentication for the admin users.


I ran a tcpdump on the server and could notice no traffic is actually leaving the server to



Panorama log import

I have firewalls managed by Panorama that I want to do some ML and RE on traffic logs. Right now I have this setup for 2 firewalls using the log export feature on the firewalls. Each firewall exports traffic logs to a different folder on my Expeditio


deleting object

Hi All,

   I was wondering if deleting objects and security rule is possible?  I imported my ASA configs into Expedition and is able to see my ASA config.   When i go to my objects they all show up.  so I click on one of the objects to delete them us


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