Nominated Discussion: SSL Decryption Session is Full

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This article is based on a discussion, "SSL Decryption Session is Full". Read on to see @Raido_Rattameister response!


Hello all, 


When the SSL Decryption Session is full, the customer asks how the non-decryption traffic is handled.

We need information about whether the lack of resources is causing random drops or not being affected.

The current model is VM-700, VM-300 and the OS is 9.1.14. CPU and Memory are set to Allow maximum.

Kind regards,


If you are performing decryption then it depends on how decryption profile is configured.

Objects > Decryption > Decryption Profile

"Block sessions if resources not available"


If checkbox is not checked then sessions will pass through but won't be decrypted.

If checked then additional sessions won't be allowed.

Imagine someone wanting to get out your network bypassing decryption it is possible to initiate loads of ssl sessions until firewall starts bypassing new sessions without decryption.



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Last Updated:
‎05-02-2023 04:29 PM
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