VM-Series in the Public Cloud
The VM-Series is the virtualized form factor of the next-generation firewall. Use this discussion as a resource to discuss VM-Series deployments across public clouds like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, and Alibaba.
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VM-Series in the Public Cloud
The VM-Series is the virtualized form factor of the next-generation firewall. Use this discussion as a resource to discuss VM-Series deployments across public clouds like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, and Alibaba.
About VM-Series in the Public Cloud

Welcome to the VM-Series in the Public Cloud discussion forum! This community exists as a resource for you to discuss VM-Series deployments on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba. We encourage you to engage in this rapidly growing community to share ideas, pose questions, and propose real-world solutions to any challenges that may arise.

This forum is provided for Live Community members to discuss and share information pertaining to the VM-Series deployments on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform Oracle Cloud and Alibaba. Please use the information from this forum at your own risk and make sure to test and verify proposed solutions presented here. For information on contacting Palo Alto Networks support, click here.


Resolved! Add Virtual disk to Panorama on Azure

Hi everyone, 


I'm testing the option to migrate our current Panorama VM appliance to azure, I already spin up a new vm and it works just fine, I encountered an issue adding a new virtual drive to the vm, followed all the steps and running the "show s


Panorama 8.1 in Azure

Has anyone had any luck deploying Panorama 8.1 beta in Azure ? I have tried a bunch of times getting it deployed in my environment and it seems to fail every time. I wonder if maybe this is partially due to the fact that I am deploying it in an envir


Resolved! Deploying ARM template for Azure

Hi All,

Anyone encountered issue while deploying arm template from this link: "https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/Azure-interface-options"? i cannot seems to add it to my existing resource group using all the options. The error i have is as below.



stan1 by L1 Bithead
  • 11 replies

Resolved! AWS ELB one to one relationship with backend

According to the documentation, if you don't have an ELB sandwich then there is a one to one relationship between the firewall and the back end server. I spoke to support and the answer was the fact that you can only have one ENI attached per subnet.


Screenshot 2018-04-12 14.29.35.png
PerryK by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

Resolved! AWS Transit VPC GitHub Solution Question

Does any one know for the following solution (https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/aws-transit-vpc) if you are have a shared services account where the Transit devices are going if the initialize Transit CFN and the Subscriber CFN both have to be run


VM-300 in Azure sizing and resiliency

Hi All, im trying to spec up a resilient HA solution for the VM-300 series PAYG bundle 1 option within azure, and just need the following clarified:-

- if i were to purchase the VM-300 option 1 bundle (https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/mark


tchark by L1 Bithead
  • 5 replies

AWS stack name length limitation

Cross posting from the github repo. 

Is there a reason why stack names longer than 10 are not supported? What are the constraints that limit this number? 


I have a customer who has stack names that are > 10 

PerryK by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Troubleshooting classic ELB

I have a support call scheduled for tomorrow but if anyone has any ideas about this that would be greatly appreciated.


I deployed the classic ELB template example successfully. My customer then took the firewall.template and integrated it into their


PerryK by L2 Linker
  • 5 replies

Resolved! vpc-classic-v1.2.1.template issues

So I deployed this template exactly as described on the site. I kept all the default pre-populated settings where possible and used my own S3 buckets. Tried it both with and without nat gateways. This is with 3 AZ in us-east-1. 

All the AWS artifacts


PerryK by L2 Linker
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