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Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.

About Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


PreDefined SSN Pattern Match

Hi All,

A Social Security number (SSN) CANNOT :

* Contain all zeroes in any specific group (ie 000-##-####, ###-00-####, or ###-##-0000)
* Begin with ‘666’.
* Begin with any value from ‘900-999′
* Be ‘078-05-1120′ (due to the Woolworth’s Wallet F


rsingh by L3 Networker
  • 3 replies

RegEx looking for a specific UserAgent.

I tried to migrate over my Cisco IPS regex to Palo Alto but it failed to load. Below is my Cisco Regex.


I tried creating a new pattern but it is to specific and


scantwell by L4 Transporter
  • 2 replies

Writing Tags to Address Objects via API

Hey all,

I have just started playing around with the API in Panorama. I am trying to write an address object with a tag.

I dumped an object and it looks like so:

<response status="success" code="19">

<result total-count="1" count="1">

     <entry name="ba

SMTPS support

Hello support,

Currently i am managing a few PA-3020s.

PANOS is sw-version: 5.0.15

Our customers are using the the email alert feature but we cannot configure an SMTPS  email server  ,only a normal 25 server.

Do you plan to implement SMTPS support in t


Custom Application Signature for only snmp-read

Hi all

I have read the "Creating Custom Signature" Tech Note for PAN-OS 5.0, because I tried to create an application that only allows snmp-read. But there I was blocked by a limitation that I need at least 7 bytes.

The snmp-payload looks like the foll


Remo by L7 Applicator
  • 7 replies

PAN Perl learning guides

Hello All,

Where can I get information related to Palo Alto Perl scripting.?

I need to carry out certain configuration using Perl Scripting

Kindly recommend books, learning videos etc etc.


aMit Jp

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