Cortex XSOAR Discussions

Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.
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Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.
About Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.


XSOAR File Management issue

Anyone using XSOAR File Management.?


I am getting below error when trying to run any command 


Failed to execute test-module command. Error: Failed to parse json object from response: b'<!doctype html>\n<html lang="en">\n<head>\n <meta charset="ut


Not able to export custom field in the report

Hello team,

I attempted to export the values of custom SLA fields into a CSV report. When I tried to create the report through the UI, it displayed the timer values, but when I actually generated the report, it only showed the run status (running or


SGupta by L1 Bithead
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XSOAR Prod Is Not Installing Updates From Dev

I have two xsoar tenant one is dev and other is prod. on prod i have main tenant and tms tenant. i pushed content from dev to repo and from main on prod side get the content from git. i saw push is fine and commit is succesful when push from dev side


Syedhkt by L2 Linker
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Rasterize URL returns an empty png

Hi guys,


Currently working on a Brand Abuse response playbook and when trying to take a screenshot for retrieving evidences it returns an empty, white png.

My config of the instance is as follows:

I tried, both Rasterize modes, Headless CLI and Web


F.Otero by L1 Bithead
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