Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.
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Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.
About Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.


XSOAR XDR Query Context Data Delay

Hi everybody,

could you please help me with following issue?

When I use XQL query to XDR dataset (!xdr-xql-generic-query) it returns correct data to the War room but before are this data moved to Context data it takes almost 5 minutes (No matter how


Resolved! Problem with setIncident command

I am working on a new automation which gets triggered dynamically from layout where in I need to check a custom attribute has changed in my remote machine, then update it on the xsoar incident. The custom attribute is a list/array. This is what I am


sudhesub by L1 Bithead
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Test sample in the playbook



Is it possible to influence the sample data that is shown in playbook edit mode, when using Test to validate the data in any task? I find that in some playbooks it can give me to select the latest incident of that type, but on others - it only


Antanas by L2 Linker
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Appending Incident field from a script



I am blocking urls on a security control then save the value of URL in incident field name (blocked urls) using setIncident command, 

But every time I block new url the incident field is not appending the new url to the old url. It replace


Resolved! HTTPS with a Signed Certificate


As per the below link, XSOAR on-perm services by default use self-signed certificates for secure HTTP connections. It would be great if you confirmed this would be applicable for the hosted service as well.


DP696 by L2 Linker
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