Custom Signatures
The Custom Signatures discussion is a resource for security professionals to discuss the creation process of custom signatures in their PAN-OS appliance.
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Custom Signatures
The Custom Signatures discussion is a resource for security professionals to discuss the creation process of custom signatures in their PAN-OS appliance.
About Custom Signatures

Welcome to the Custom Signatures discussion forum. This forum exists as a resource for security professionals to discuss the creation process of custom signatures in their PAN-OS appliance. Please feel free to engage with other community members and Palo Alto Networks staff. Ideas, questions, research, and observations regarding the process of custom signature creation are all actively encouraged.

For an introduction to the forum, please see the sticky!

This forum is provided for Live Community members to discuss and share information pertaining to custom signatures. Please use the information from this forum at your own risk and make sure to test and verify any signature and code presented here. For information on contacting Palo Alto Networks support, click here.


Welcome to the Custom Signatures Discussions!

To make this forum valuable and enjoyable for everyone, please review the following guidelines before participating:


Rules and Best Practices


  1. Be Respectful: Treat fellow community members with professionalism and courtesy. Constructive discussion

JayGolf by Community Team Member
  • 0 replies

Blocking web content with custom data patterns

Hi all,


I'm trying to use custom data patterns to block all content related to the 'Momo' hoax.  I'm having issues getting around the fact that 'momo' is smaller than 7 bytes.


Do you have any recommendations on how to use an anchor 7 bytes or longer


Office XML with Macros

This is a custom vulnerability signature I created based on what I was seeing come through to our users.  Usually, the malicious Office files with macros were in either the binary Office 2003 format or the newer Office 2007+ format.  What I was seein


Custom Antivirus Signatures

Is it possible to create custom antivirus signatures?

Goal is to block files with certain hashes. The original file is not available, only the hash.

Is there any way to submit hashes to PANW so that they create signatures? (Something similar like for U


Anon1 by L4 Transporter
  • 4 replies

Webmail Control via URL

Can paloalto control the sending of web mail?


i want to make it impossible to send out from the webmail.

There is a service called Naver that provides web mail like Google.

for example,


The URL for sending is as follows.


Resolved! Threat ID for CVE-2018-8653 Internet Explorer

I'm not seeing a threat ID for the new IE vulnerability ( Has anyone been able to create a custom ID for it, or know if Palo is working on one?


Thank you

Rigbyj06 by L0 Member
  • 3 replies

Custom signature not working as expected

Hi Guys

I have the follwoing issue:

I have a policy rule where I allow  smtp flow! On this rule I have a vulnerability protection profile. In this pofile I have 2 rules:

- one rule which is supposed to allow emails with in the subject

-the second



Resolved! Creating a custom app signature to block by URL path

I'm hoping to get some help with a custom signature that I've created.  We're trying to block users from playing flash games on facebook, but still allow them to get to everything else.  For example:  The URL ca



Identifying Mobile no - Data Pattern

Dear All,

Please find bellow our requirement:


1) We would like to restrict document going out from their network which has more than 5 mobile numbers.

Thus would require a regex of mobile no to be configured in Data Pattern.


We configure regex  -



To customize app-id or no



Newish user to PA's 1 year now I think.


I came from cisco - ip / port acl's


I am trying to move to app-id nicer easier policies.

So for office traffic I use app-id 

for my prod platform I use applicaiton overide to custom applications, so that I can


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