Check Out What's New with Cortex XDR!

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Check out what’s new with Cortex XDR! Enroll in our Cortex XDR 2.8: What’s New course to learn more about the new features and enhancements added to Cortex XDR in the 2.7 and 2.8 releases.


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The Cortex XDR 2.8: What’s New course is a compilation of narrated videos, demonstrations, and knowledge checks that will help you accomplish the following tasks:

  • Create scoring rules and use them to prioritize incidents
  • Add specific values to featured alert fields and use them to prioritize alerts
  • Understand basic XQL stages, functions, and operators
  • Understand the structure of the built-in dataset xdr_data
  • Write basic XQL queries and evaluate the result sets
  • Use different visualization options for the result sets


Successful completion of this training should enable students to prioritize incidents

and alerts using scoring rules and featured alert fields. The training also shows the

student the structure of XDR Query Language (XQL), basic objects of the built-in

dataset, and how to use various result set visualization methods. The target audience includes cybersecurity analysts and engineers and security operations specialists.

This course is meant to be an addition to our Cortex XDR digital learning series, which serves as the prerequisite for the Cortex XDR learning path. Cortex XDR 2.8: What’s New is an intermediate level self-paced digital learning course supported on the Cortex XDR Pro per endpoint and Pro per TB platform.


Also, don’t forget to check out Cortex XDR’s Instructor-Led Training course!

Cortex XDR 2: Prevention, Analysis, and Response (EDU-260) is a three day Instructor-Led Training course with hands-on labs activities designed to enhance the student’s understanding of how to activate a Cortex XDR instance.

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Last Updated:
‎04-27-2021 01:01 PM
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