Expedition server sizing
Anyone know server sizing requirements for this? Minimum cpu, memory and storage?
Also, what is the recommended way to install?
Anyone know server sizing requirements for this? Minimum cpu, memory and storage?
Also, what is the recommended way to install?
I started by running the command
scp export log traffic start-time equal 2018/07/30@00:00:00 end-time equal 2018/07/30@23:45:00 to expedition@ my PA220.
root@Expedition:/PALogs# ls -l
total 64296
-rw-rw-r-- 1 expe
I created an OVA for my team and put it up here (Note, this isn't the official release now offered by PANW):
Be sure to go Settings > M. Learning > and change the Expedition ML Addr
Expedition uses APACHE as a web server and PHP as module for the scripts. By default PHP allow users to upload files with a maximum size of 2M, this can be updated by changing the PHP.ini
sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini go to line where this ...
I have three feature requests that are all related, that I think everyone will appreciate.
1) When converting ASA configs, true like for like bi-directional 1-to-1 NATs should be created, not the horrible implicit rule that Palo Alto Creates i.e. t
Anyone out there develop a script to install on Ubuntu Server 22.04? I have a need to run expedition on my Macbook but with the M1 chip, I need to run a VM for ARM architecture. There is no 20.04 release for ARM so I am stuck with 22.04. Ho
i want to use expedition to check firewall configuration instead of looking thru hml file.
Is it possible to import this config file (config.hml) inot expedition to see the firewall rules in GUI?
Appreciate if someone share a how-to steps..
I am trying to migrate ASA configuration to PA with expedition.
The ASA has its physical interface and not as aggregate interface, and I want to convert these physical interfaces into aggregate interface with sub-interfaces. Is there a way to
After installing Ubuntu 20.04.06 LTS and running the install script it does not look like there is a web server running on the box. When I look at active ports on the box there is no 443.
Hello Community,
Today I generated the configuration to upload to PA3220, when I validate the commit, the validation fail for these reasons.
vsys is invalid
devices is invalid
Any idea the root cause or how to fix, I always select the vsys1, b
Has anybody been able to get this to work?
All I have are these Mac M2 Pro highend macbooks with paralells. lol And piles of firewalls to migrate.
I managed to get Ubuntu arm installed and got the expedition install script to run.
But on reboot, some
I have not fully tested this but an unofficial installer for Ubuntu 22.04 using Puppet if you look in the example directory you will see whats needed.
I would no suggest doing this instantly on a production server as its not fully tested -> this co
I am new to Expedition although i've used Palos for years. I am in the process of migrating a few ASAs to PaloAltos. The issue i am running into is i cannot use a blank template as the new palos have already configurations. I am hoping Expedition
Hi, I am running version1.2.59.
Trying to import a Cisco ASA config but is stuck on "Initializing"
Please note my config file is 2467 lines, so not sure what the line 9621 & 9815 are
The /tmp/error logs is below.
Notice: Trying to get property of no
I have a customer that is deploying a brand new PA-1410. This site is a greenfield site so they want to build security policies as they bring devices online. They've recently provided me with an export of logs and I'm trying to get them imported into
After upgrading Expedition to 1.2.57 we are seeing behavior where upon page refresh while in the Expedition tool we are booted back out to the login screen. Full disclosure, patching Ubuntu seemed to have broken apache2 so we had to delete apache, t
I imported Netscreen config file onto Expedtion but none of IPsec tunnel is imported. Netsreen is running at the latest version, 6.30r26. Does Expedition support this feature? Dustin
Hi All,
I need to add more address, services and security policy to an existing device group in Panorama using Expedition.
When I send the API calls, it returns error saying the entries already exist.
I know there may be duplicates address or even
I want to use Expedition to migrate from an ASA to a Palo Alto NGFW. The network where Expedition is installed does not have connectivity to either device. Is there any way to import a blank PA-NGFW config and the ASA config into Expedition so I can
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