Expedition server sizing
Anyone know server sizing requirements for this? Minimum cpu, memory and storage?
Also, what is the recommended way to install?
Anyone know server sizing requirements for this? Minimum cpu, memory and storage?
Also, what is the recommended way to install?
I started by running the command
scp export log traffic start-time equal 2018/07/30@00:00:00 end-time equal 2018/07/30@23:45:00 to expedition@ my PA220.
root@Expedition:/PALogs# ls -l
total 64296
-rw-rw-r-- 1 expe
I created an OVA for my team and put it up here (Note, this isn't the official release now offered by PANW):
Be sure to go Settings > M. Learning > and change the Expedition ML Addr
Expedition uses APACHE as a web server and PHP as module for the scripts. By default PHP allow users to upload files with a maximum size of 2M, this can be updated by changing the PHP.ini
sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini go to line where this ...
Upon login, the Expedition Dashboard shows Update Available to 1.2.49. However, when I try to update in APT, it shows the latest package is installed. How do I get Expedition GUI to see this is on the latest version?
# sudo apt-get install expediti
We are planning to migrate Cisco ASA firewalls to Palo Alto, as part of it we are converting the configurations using Expedition tool, but while i check on Network section for the firewall interface, i can see only port channel interfaces but not see
I have a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 server 64bit and after install the latest Expedition I'm getting "Incorrect user or password."
Apache logs:
root@expedition:~# tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
[Wed Feb 01 11:27:14.078549 2023] [:error] [pid 4
I have logged into this before using the default admin/paloalto account, but it is no longer working, and always says Incorrect User and Password. This is on many different browsers, and machines, so it's not browser related.
I have ran the php /var/
I created a Docker container for the Palo Alto Expedition tool as of version 1.1.38 and published it to Docker Hub. I rebuilt it on Alpine Linux and stripped the binaries, reducing the image size to a mere 1.43 GB. Optionally, you can make the databa
I was trying to see the capabilities of the log retrieval using splunk, and I can retrieve about 115 lines of data from splunk, the splunk job is finished, and there is data being transferred back and forth that can be seen with tcpump, but after a s
Hi all, I'm trying to set up Expedition as a Syslog server. I am following the guides, but a folder under /PALogs is never created with the management IP of firewall sending the logs. Any suggestions?
Due to the recent announcement of discontinuing the Sophos UTM/SG Firewall many customers are seeking alternatives.
It would be great to be able to migrate configurations from the old Sophos/Astaro Firewalls to Palo Alto Networks Strata NGF
We have changed the admin password to something other than the default but now after a period of time we are getting "Incorrect User or Password" when trying to login via the GUI. A few times before this we getting logged in then kicked out immediat
We have a complex environment with a physical ASA HA pair with multiple contexts, which we are slowing moving to Palo Alto VMs, one ASA context per VM HA pair. Some customers have existing PA VM pairs in addition to an ASA context. We have more than
Hello Team,
For my first post on the community !
For a customer case we want to use Expedition Palo in the aim to bulid security rules from permissive security rules.
Indeed, with an additional file we have the best practices (from IT service direc
So i have follwoed all the guides and posts i can find about changing the permissions and what not but i keep getting this error when i setup the scheduled log exports on one of my firewalls.
Error response from server: bash: /PALogs/ssh-export-tes
I wanted to share this experience and maybe see if this is a bug or simply a condition of how PAN works.
I am migrating multiple ASA contexts into a multi-vsys PAN environment. I was doing a partial load config/xpath sequence from the CLI and I got
Expedition has some security policies greyed out as disabled. I corrected the issues that gave Expedition concern and now I would like those rules enabled before I complete the export/merge XML file step. I have sifted through all of the menus and ca
I am using expedition to export config from ASA to palo alto using expedition , After export - merge it just stucks at pending and does not create config xml file ?
Any advise ?
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