Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.
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Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.
About Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.


Layer 2 network extension

Is it possible to extend the layer 2 network over the layer 3 network to the other site using Palo Alto

Basically I am trying to extend the VLAN to other site. Not sure if this can be achieved with Palo Alto. Any suggestion are welcome

Running 11.1.2 in production

Hi everyone


I read that 11.1.2 is now the preferred release for 34xx, and desiring to upgrade due to some of the new features, I find myself concerned about this known issue:

PAN-224763 - A TDB engine version mismatch issue affecting all firewalls,


SomeSuch by L1 Bithead
  • 2 replies

AWS-Palo VPN Phase-2 Rekeying

HI Team


We have an issue with AWS Site to Site VPN, where we can see continuous rekeying of Phase-2 tunnels. It's a PA-3220 HA pair. It started happening recently as we can see previously the rekey did happen only after the Lifetime expired (Phase-


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