Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.
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Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.
About Next-Generation Firewall Discussions
Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls provide true, complete visibility everywhere, along with precise policy control. Ask your questions or provide insightful answers in the discussion forum specific to NGFW.


Resolved! File blocking upload

We have a requirement to Block uploads of file to

We have SSL decryption working fine with URL filtering profiles applied.

I created a new File blocking profile with application>> virustotal-base and virustotal web selected; File type


Palo Alto-certified SFP check


Normally we use the following commands to check an SFP by Palo Alto Certified or not. 

how system state filter sys.s1.p19.phy

sys.s1.p19.phy: { 'link-partner': { }, 'media': SFP-Plus-Fiber, 'sfp': { 'connector':
LC, 'encoding': Reserved, 'identi...

PAN OS Issues with MPLS Link

We noticed that the customer’s environment had an upgrade of the PA-440 to PAN-OS 11.1.4-h1, but they experienced an MPLS link-down issue. The same issue was observed on the remaining four firewalls. After downgrading to PAN-OS 10.2.10, the MPLS link


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