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08-20-2024 02:13 PM - edited 03-12-2025 12:54 PM
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Prisma Cloud Console is backwards compatible with up to two (n-2) major releases back (including all minor versions) for the following:
When using projects, the same versions of master and tenant consoles are required.
The currently installed version of the Console is displayed in the bell menu. The Console notifies you when new versions of Prisma Cloud are available, and these notifications are displayed in the top right corner of the Console.
Figure 1: Version_PaloAltoNetworks
The versions of your deployed Defenders are listed under Manage > Defenders > Defenders: Deployed.
Figure 2: Defenders are listed under Manage > Defenders > Defenders: Deployed_PaloAltoNetworks
The release images for Console and Defender are built from the UBI8-minimal base image, the upgrade is a full container image upgrade and the old container is replaced with a new container. You can upgrade the Console without losing any of your data or configurations because Prisma Cloud stores state information outside the container, all your rules and settings are immediately available to the upgraded Prisma Cloud containers.
Prisma Cloud state information is stored in a database in the location specified by DATA_FOLDER, which is defined in twistlock.cfg. By default, the database is located in the /var/lib/twistlock path.
The steps in the upgrade process are:
Figure 3: Go to Manage > System > Utilities to download the latest versions_PaloAltoNetworks
When you have one or more tenant projects, upgrade all Supervisor Consoles before upgrading the Central Console. During the upgrade process, there may be times when the supervisors appear disconnected. This is normal because supervisors are disconnected while the upgrade occurs and the central console will try to reestablish connectivity every 10 minutes. Within 10 minutes of upgrading all supervisors and the Central Console, all supervisors should appear healthy.
Except during the upgrade process, the Central Console and all Supervisor Consoles must run the same product version. Having different product versions is not supported and may lead to instability and connectivity problems.
Upgrade each Supervisor and then the Central Console using the appropriate procedure:
Upgrade Prisma Cloud Onebox. First upgrade Console. Console will then automatically upgrade all deployed Defenders for you.
If Console fails to upgrade one or more Defenders, manually upgrade your Defenders.
You must manually upgrade App-Embedded Defenders.
To upgrade Console, rerun the install script for the latest version of Prisma Cloud. Use this method for any Console that was originally installed with the twistlock.sh script.
$ mkdir twistlock_<VERSION> $ tar -xzf prisma_cloud_compute_edition_<VERSION>.tar.gz -C twistlock_<VERSION>/
The setup package contains updated versions of twistlock.sh and twistlock.cfg.$ grep DOCKER_TWISTLOCK_TAG twistlock.cfg
$ sudo ./twistlock.sh -syj onebox
To upgrade your console install, run:$ sudo ./twistlock.sh -syj console
Upgrading Prisma Cloud running in your Kubernetes cluster requires the following steps.
Since Prisma Cloud objects can be specified with configuration files, we recommend declarative object management for both install and upgrade.
You should have kept good notes when initially installing Prisma Cloud. The configuration options set in twistlock.cfg and the parameters passed to twistcli in the initial install are used to generate working configurations for the upgrade.
Prerequisites: You know how you initially installed Prisma Cloud, including all options set in twistcli.cfg and parameters passed to twistcli.
$ <PLATFORM>/twistcli console export kubernetes --service-type LoadBalancer
$ kubectl apply -f twistlock_console.yaml
Figure 4: Confirm current version_PaloAltoNetworks
Upgrade Prisma Cloud running in your OpenShift cluster.
First upgrade Console. Console will then automatically upgrade all deployed Defenders for you.
If you’ve disabled Defender auto-upgrade or if Console fails to upgrade one or more Defenders, manually upgrade your Defenders.
You must manually upgrade App-Embedded Defenders.
$ sudo docker pull registry-auth.twistlock.com/tw_<ACCESS_TOKEN>/twistlock/defender:defender_<VERSION> $ sudo docker pull registry-auth.twistlock.com/tw_<ACCESS_TOKEN>/twistlock/console:console_<VERSION>
$ sudo docker tag \ registry-auth.twistlock.com/tw_<ACCESS_TOKEN>/twistlock/defender:defender_<VERSION> \ docker-registry.default.svc:5000/twistlock/private:defender_<VERSION> $ sudo docker tag \ registry-auth.twistlock.com/tw_<ACCESS_TOKEN>/twistlock/console:console_<VERSION> \ docker-registry.default.svc:5000/twistlock/private:console_<VERSION>
$ sudo docker push docker-registry.default.svc:5000/twistlock/private:defender_<VERSION> $ sudo docker push docker-registry.default.svc:5000/twistlock/private:console_<VERSION>
$ <PLATFORM>/twistcli console export openshift \ --persistent-volume-labels "app-volume=twistlock-console" \ --service-type "ClusterIP"
If you want to pull the image from the internal registry:$ <PLATFORM>/twistcli console export openshift \ --persistent-volume-labels "app-volume=twistlock-console" \ --image-name "docker-registry.default.svc:5000/twistlock/private:console_<VERSION>" \ --service-type "ClusterIP"
For other command variations, see the OpenShift 4 deployment guide.$ oc apply -f twistlock_console.yaml
If you installed Prisma Cloud into your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster with Helm charts, you can upgrade with the helm upgrade command.
First upgrade Console. Console will then automatically upgrade all deployed Defenders for you.
If you’ve disabled Defender auto-upgrade or if Console fails to upgrade one or more Defenders, manually upgrade your Defenders.
You must manually upgrade App-Embedded Defenders.
Generate an updated Helm chart for Console, and then upgrade to it.
$ <PLATFORM>/twistcli console export kubernetes \ --service-type LoadBalancer \ --helm
$ helm upgrade twistlock-console \ --namespace twistlock \ --recreate-pods \ ./twistlock-console-helm.tar.gz
Upgrade Prisma Cloud running on Amazon ECS.
First upgrade Console. Then, upgrade your Defenders.
When you upgrade Defenders, for any unsuccessful upgrades you can review the error messages in Manage > Defenders > Manage. And, if you’ve created an alert for Defender health events, you also receive a notification to the configured alert provider.
To upgrade Console, update the service with a new task definition that points to the latest image.
This procedure assumes you’re using images from Prisma Cloud’s registry. If you’re using your own private registry, push the latest Console image there first.
$ mkdir twistlock $ tar xvzf twistlock_<VERSION>.tar.gz -C twistlock/
$ scp twistlock.cfg <ECS_INFRA_NODE>:/twistlock_console/var/lib/twistlock-config
The Console user interface lets you upgrade all Defenders in a single shot. This method minimizes the effort required to upgrade all your deployed Defenders.
Alternatively, you can select which Defenders to upgrade. Use this method when you have different maintenance windows for different deployments. For example, you might have an open window on Tuesday to upgrade thirty Defenders in your development environment, but no available window until Saturday to upgrade the remaining twenty Defenders in your production environment. In order to give you sufficient time to upgrade your environment, older versions of Defender can coexist with the latest version of Defender and the latest version of Console.
Prerequisites: You have already upgraded Console.
Upgrade the Defender DaemonSets in your environment.
Delete the Defender DaemonSet, then rerun the original install procedure.
Prerequisites: You know all the parameters passed to twistcli when you initially deployed the Defender DaemonSet. You’ll need them to recreate a working configuration file for your environment.
$ {orchestrator-cmd} -n twistlock delete ds twistlock-defender-ds $ {orchestrator-cmd} -n twistlock delete sa twistlock-service $ {orchestrator-cmd} -n twistlock delete secret twistlock-secrets
$ {orchestrator-cmd} get service -o wide -n twistlock
$ {orchestrator-cmd} create -f defender.yaml
Delete the Defender DaemonSet, then rerun the original install procedure.
Prerequisites: You know all the parameters passed to twistcli when you initially deployed the Defender DaemonSet. You’ll need them to recreate a working configuration file for your environment.
$ {orchestrator-cmd} -n twistlock delete ds twistlock-defender-ds $ {orchestrator-cmd} -n twistlock delete sa twistlock-service $ {orchestrator-cmd} -n twistlock delete secret twistlock-secrets
$ {orchestrator-cmd} get service -o wide -n twistlock
$ {orchestrator-cmd} create -f defender.yaml
If you can’t access your cluster with kubectl or oc, then you can upgrade Defender DaemonSets directly from the Console UI.
Prerequisites: You’ve created a xref:~/authentication/credentials-store/kubernetes-credentials.adoc[kubeconfig credential] for your cluster so that Prisma Cloud can access it to upgrade the Defender DaemonSet.
Generate an updated Helm chart for the Defender DaemonSet, and then upgrade to it.
$ ./twistcli defender export kubernetes \ --address <PATH_TO_CONSOLE> \ --user <ADMIN_USER> \ --cluster-address <REGION_CODE>.cloud.twistlock.com \ --helm
Get the value for "--address" from "Compute > Manage > System > Utilities > Path to Console"../twistcli defender export kubernetes \ --address https://us-west1.cloud.twistlock.com/us-4-xxxxxx \ --user serviceAccountUsername \ --cluster-address us-west1.cloud.twistlock.com \ --helm
For Prisma Cloud Enterprise Edition, the user is either an access key, or a service account username.$ helm upgrade twistlock-defender-ds \ --namespace twistlock \ --recreate-pods ./twistlock-defender-helm.tar.gz