How to get Prisma Cloud Public IP address
I need to know which public IPs Prisma cloud uses to access other external apps to allow them in the firewall.
My console is un eu.
I need to know which public IPs Prisma cloud uses to access other external apps to allow them in the firewall.
My console is un eu.
We are attempting to deploy defenders in Kubernetes. We are cloud hosted prisma console. And checked through the kubernetes requirements and those seem to meet.
Uploaded the twistcli and ran the script that we generated in the console. We got the f
Hello guys,
I'm looking for a way to onboard an AWS Organization using Terraform and bypass the need of using the old CloudFormation template.
So when deploying the CFT (for basic features) we get 4 custom policies + SecurityAudit attached to a "Pri
I need to generate a Report with the following informations:
- All Assets, with the creation time information.
- Status of the asset based on specific compliance Standard, for exemple: CIS v1.4.0 (AWS).
My objective is filter on a specific date(ex: 03/
I encountered with the PrismaCloud image scanning tool. I have updated the Dockerfile with a new version to address a vulnerability and pushing the updated image to the GCP Artifactory registry, the changes have not been reflected in the PrismaCloud
For Twistlock, is there a way to track when a vulnerability is first found on a host? if not, I think this would be a very helpful feature for vulnerability management.
The onboarding documents assume a 1:1 relationship between Azure Subscriptions/Tenants and Azure AD Tenants. Does anyone have instructions for Multiple Azure Subscriptions with a single Azure AD Tenant? Prisma Cloud
When scanning IAC with Bridgecrew GitHub action, an error may be returned as "Check: 8060797_AWS_1672940525627: "AWS Lambda function is not configured for function-level concurrent execution Limit" with a link to
PCC self-hosted on Azure Kubernetes Service, sits behind an App Gateway that serves as a proxy/ingress/firewall
Attempting to deploy defenders to VMs that sit outside the App Gateway - connectivity fails through the ingress to the Console regardles
Hi All,
I am looking for some support for the RQL.
I am trying to detect if any firewall rule on GCP allows SSH port 22 traffic from except the PSM IP addresses. I developed some queries but it's not able to catch every scenario. I am trying to
I need lead for getting a PR comment generated for each scan on the Azure Repos. As we do in GitHub using Prisma cloud DevSecOps from marketplace. Do we have anything similar for Azure Devops?
We have integrated the pipeline and repos already usin
not sure im doing wrong here but trying to connect using terraform results in a 405 not allowed.
Here is my TF code
terraform {
required_providers {
prismacloud = {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/prismacloud"
version = "1.2.11"
provider "prismacloud" {
We need to enforce MFA to log in to the twistlock console.
Is it possible to do that on the Cloud Compute Edition (self-hosted)?
We have Kubernetes deployments in AWS (EKS) and OCI (OKE). The Prisma Cloud compliance scans being run against these clusters are using the generic CIS Kubernetes 1.2 benchmark rather than using the CIS benchmarks that have been customized for EKS an