VM-Series in the Public Cloud
The VM-Series is the virtualized form factor of the next-generation firewall. Use this discussion as a resource to discuss VM-Series deployments across public clouds like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, and Alibaba.
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VM-Series in the Public Cloud
The VM-Series is the virtualized form factor of the next-generation firewall. Use this discussion as a resource to discuss VM-Series deployments across public clouds like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, and Alibaba.
About VM-Series in the Public Cloud

Welcome to the VM-Series in the Public Cloud discussion forum! This community exists as a resource for you to discuss VM-Series deployments on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba. We encourage you to engage in this rapidly growing community to share ideas, pose questions, and propose real-world solutions to any challenges that may arise.

This forum is provided for Live Community members to discuss and share information pertaining to the VM-Series deployments on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform Oracle Cloud and Alibaba. Please use the information from this forum at your own risk and make sure to test and verify proposed solutions presented here. For information on contacting Palo Alto Networks support, click here.


Monitoring interface traffic with SNMP

Using physical PA boxes, this works fine.  However, with the VM version (at least in Azure) it does not.  Only the mgmt interface shows any traffic when reading interface statistics through SNMP.


Is this a known issue?  ethernet1/1 is the untrusted i


VM Series in Paas environment


We are currently investigating if we can have any benefit deploying Palo Alto VM series firewall in our Azure Paas environment.

We are looking to increase visibility mainly for traffic towards some of our public facing  applications through the A


KarimSN by L1 Bithead
  • 0 replies

Azure PA NVA lost IP address

I have a HA Pair of PAs in Azure, as of yesterday morning, the active PA NVA has lost its secondary IP addresses - it had two and both have disappeared.  So i just have the dynamic one now which only has a private IP.  This is configured via the Azur


Active Directory Log on and Azure

Hello all,

I have set up a PAN cluster in an Azure environment and also extended the Active Directory domain controllers in Azure (configure site links and AD AD replication with Virtual Machines in Azure), I have Azure ExpressRoute in middle and all


ghostme by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Azure deployment. NAT rule assistance.

Howdy Group.


I have a newbie question and wanted to ask the group.


Maybe I am thinking too hard about it.

Customer wanted a FW load balancer on both sides… and this was the screen capture of the solution.




I have a nice easy question about incoming t


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