VM-Series in the Public Cloud
The VM-Series is the virtualized form factor of the next-generation firewall. Use this discussion as a resource to discuss VM-Series deployments across public clouds like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, and Alibaba.
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VM-Series in the Public Cloud
The VM-Series is the virtualized form factor of the next-generation firewall. Use this discussion as a resource to discuss VM-Series deployments across public clouds like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, and Alibaba.
About VM-Series in the Public Cloud

Welcome to the VM-Series in the Public Cloud discussion forum! This community exists as a resource for you to discuss VM-Series deployments on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba. We encourage you to engage in this rapidly growing community to share ideas, pose questions, and propose real-world solutions to any challenges that may arise.

This forum is provided for Live Community members to discuss and share information pertaining to the VM-Series deployments on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform Oracle Cloud and Alibaba. Please use the information from this forum at your own risk and make sure to test and verify proposed solutions presented here. For information on contacting Palo Alto Networks support, click here.



I used the Azure-2-Firewalls-Public-Load-Balancer 1.0 template to deploy two vm-series firewalls and a public load balancer.  From there I spun up windows 2008 server for testing and added RDP to the load balancer rule but cannot get it to work.  I h


PaloAlto transit VPC



We are planning to deploy transit VPC using pair PaloAlto VM series firewall in the AWS environment.

And I am planning to follow deployment guide available here,




Resolved! AWS HA Setup

Tried to work through the horribly fragmented documentation, but I have a quick question on setting up HA in AWS:


Is it still suggested to swap the mangement interface when deploying the HA model?  From the HA documentation section, it sounds like et


Resolved! Auto Scale Group - VM Series

For my EC2 instances (App Server), I just created Launch Template/ASG. Can I do the same thing with the VM-Series FWs? Capture an AMI, create a Launch Template and ASG? 


Here is my situation, 

I have two firewalls that I manually built under an NLB. I


Resolved! VM-Series to TG for ECMP VPN on AWS

I'm looking at taking advantage of ECMP VPN to attach VM-SERIES to the Transit Gateway. I would like to use tunnel interfaces for this and would like egress/ingress traffic to go through the VM-SERIES appliances.


Can somone that has implemented this


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