Best Practice Assessment (BPA) Live Event Wrap-Up

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A BIG Thank You!

Thank you to all of those that participated in our very first interactive event about the Best Practice Assessment (BPA) tool! We had a great time engaging (virtually) with all of you.


Nick Curtis along with Chadd Christiansen were able to give a great presentation about the BPA tool and how to use it.


Here’s What Our Experts Had to Say:

  • Nick Curtis/@DawgsFan: "I had the pleasure of leading the LIVEcommunity’s Interactive Event centered around the Best Practice Assessment. We were able to cover an overview of the BPA, benefits it delivers, and the various methods to generate a BPA. Overall the session was a success with a lot of very good questions asked by our participants. We left feeling that we were able to further spread the word about BPA, why it’s important to run it regularly, and how to use it to improve your security posture. I’d like to give a big THANK YOU to all who helped including Sam Sunku, Chadd Christiansen, Seetha Pillai, Joe Delio, Kim Wens, and all the LIVEcommunity team that helped bring this great event together.
  • Chadd Christiansen/@cchristiansen: "The LIVEcommunity interactive event on BPA was informative and engaging. I enjoyed hearing feedback from the BPA user community and look forward to the next event." 


Some Event Highlights

Some highlights of the interactive event included Nick and Chadd demonstrating how to access the BPA and sharing how to create an assessment via a live demo.


Demonstration of how to access the BPADemonstration of how to access the BPA



The team also went over identifying security gaps by leveraging a BPA and also talked through the various ways it can help improve your security posture.


How to create an assessment - Live demoHow to create an assessment - Live demo


Some of the questions that participants asked during the interactive event, and answers provided, included:


  • Where is the BPA data stored? (asked by Kelly Welch)
    • Only metadata is stored by Palo Alto Networks to track adoption trends and industry benchmarks. However, we do not store rule details or any sensitive customer information.
  • For a demo for a client, can we use BPA? (asked by @shrikant)


Check out the full list of questions and answers on the Understanding the Best Practice Assessment (BPA) Tool event page.


For additional questions and answers about the BPA tool, please visit the Best Practice Assessment FAQ.


Recording Now Available!

If you missed the event, don’t fret, as we have the recording posted for everyone to enjoy. Please check out the recording on the event page, Understanding the Best Practice Assessment (BPA) Tool.





We want to hear from you! What topics would you like to see next?

Now that our second Interactive Event has taken place, we want to hear your thoughts and feedback! 


What topics would you like us to cover next? Please let us know in the comments down below. We want these Interactive Events to be helpful and beneficial to YOU, our community members.


Thanks for taking the time to read this blog. If you enjoyed it, please hit the Like (thumbs up) button, and don't forget to subscribe to the LIVEcommunity Blog.


As always, we welcome all comments and feedback in the comments section below.


Stay Secure,

Joe Delio

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