Cortex XDR Discussions
Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
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Cortex XDR Discussions
Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.
About Cortex XDR Discussions

Cortex XDR allows you to rapidly detect and respond to threats across your networks, endpoints, and clouds. It assists SOC analysts by allowing them to view ALL the alerts from all PANW products in one place, telling the full story of what actually happened in seconds and allows seamless response.

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Cortex XDR Pathfinder

I dont really understand logic behind PATHFINDER. I installed Broker VM and configured pathfinder. But i can not see anything in Pathfinder Collection Center. I can not find answers to my questions  in documentations. Can anybody please explain about


Change default password for agents



1. Can we please know the recommended procedure to change the defalut password for agents.

2. Is it possible to change the password for particular endpoints? 

3. Will there be any operational issues or impacts if we perform this acitivity? 


Resolved! Activity Time - Cortex XDR API

Hi all,
I get the data with Cortex XDR API. I couldn't find which field the Activity Time field matches. The closest results are event_timestamp and detection_timestamp, but not all of them are correct.

XDR Auto upgrade Scope

XDR allows you to auto upgrade agent to any of the below:
Latest agent release
Only maintenance release
Only maintenance release in a specific version
Upgrade to a specific version


I want to check what exactly does "Latest agent release" means ?



Shaveta by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Excel not working with cortex



We are facing issue while working with excel files when cortex is enabled, when we disable the protection excel start working properly, but when we again enable it, excel takes long time to open or close the file.



Kindly suggest.





Exclude single .exe on single endpoint

Pretty simple need here....


Installing the latest version of WSUS Automated Maintenance from AJ Tek on our WSUS server and Cortex is blocking it with the description "Suspicious executable detected". How do I allow this to install? Is the best way


cemcga by L1 Bithead
  • 6 replies

Test File Post_Detection

Hello everyone, 


I am searching for a test file, which gets Post_Detected by XDR. 
I can´t find an official test file from Palo, maybe somebody in here has one. 
I will run this on a lab so no worries. 


Kind regards,


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