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on 05-28-2024 05:49 PM - edited on 03-12-2025 05:17 PM by RPrasadi
This document presents a step-by-step guide for automating the deployment of Prisma Cloud Windows container defender to Google Kubernetes Engine Windows nodes. You will set up a Kubernetes cluster with a Windows node-pool and leverage the Google Cloud startup scripts on Windows VMs to install the Prisma Cloud container defenders. We will discuss installation of Prisma Cloud defender on Windows Google Kubernetes Engine clusters.
The DaemonSet version of the Prisma Cloud defender is not supported on such clusters; we will deploy an individual defender on each node in said Windows GKE cluster. To avoid manual installation and make this process scalable, we will make use of a startup script functionality offered by Google Cloud. This way any newly added Windows node to the GKE cluster will automatically get Prisma Cloud Defender installed after booting up.
Definition - Google Cloud Startup Scripts
A startup script is a file that performs tasks during the startup process of a virtual machine (VM) instance. Startup scripts can apply to all VMs in a project or to a single VM. Startup scripts specified by VM-level metadata override startup scripts specified by project-level metadata; startup scripts only run when a network is available.
This document describes how to use startup scripts on Windows Server VM instances. For information about how to add a project-level startup script, see gcloud compute project-info add-metadata. Windows startup scripts must be Command shell (.cmd), PowerShell (.ps1), or batch file scripts (.bat), and must have the appropriate file extension.
If you specify a startup script by using one of the procedures in this document, Compute Engine does the following:
The primary goal of using a startup script in the context of virtual machine (VM) instances, whether they are Windows Server VMs or Linux VMs, is to automate the initialization and configuration process during the startup phase. Startup scripts are particularly useful for performing tasks that need to be executed consistently across multiple VM instances or whenever a VM instance is launched or rebooted.
Here are some key goals and benefits of using startup scripts:
In summary, startup scripts enhance operational efficiency, ensure consistency, strengthen security, support scalability, and enable agile infrastructure deployment practices.
Figure 1: Startup Script workflow_palo-alto-networks
This document assumes that you are using PowerShell to execute the scripts required to generate the startup script to install the Windows Container Defender.
Step 1: Defender Installation Script
Create a script.ps1 file with the following content:
$Url = "https://us-east1.cloud.twistlock.com/us-1-123456789"
$Body = @{
username = 'ACCESS_KEY'
password = 'SECRET_KEY'
$token = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $Url/api/v1/authenticate -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType 'application/json').token
$parameters = @{
Uri = "$Url/api/v1/scripts/defender.ps1"
Method = "Post"
Headers = @{
"authorization" = "Bearer $token"
OutFile = "defender.ps1"
Invoke-WebRequest @parameters
.\defender.ps1 -type containerdWindows -consoleCN us-east1.cloud.twistlock.com -install
Figure 2: script.ps1 script content_palo-alto-networks
Here's a breakdown of what the script does:
Before running this script, ensure that you have the necessary permissions and credentials to access the Twistlock console and execute the Defender script. Also, ensure that you replace 'ACCESS_KEY' and 'SECRET_KEY' with your actual Twistlock credentials, and replace the $Url value and twistlock console name for the ones that belong to your Prisma Cloud Compute console.
Step 2: PowerShell to CMD Script
Create a ps1_to_cmd.ps1 file with the following content:
$s = Get-Content script.ps1 | Out-String
$j = [PSCustomObject]@{
"Script" = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($s))
} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
$oneline = "[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String(('" + $j + "' | ConvertFrom-Json).Script)) | iex"
$c = [convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($oneline))
("Powershell -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Encoded " + $c) | Out-File -Encoding Default script.cmd
Figure 3: ps1_to_cmd.ps1 script content_palo-alto-networks
This PowerShell script converts another PowerShell script (script.ps1) into a one-liner encoded command that can be executed as a command-line script (script.cmd). The script.cmd file is encoded and contains the encoded PowerShell command.
The main reason why the PowerShell script transformed to a CMD script is because GKE Windows nodes already have in place a PowerShell startup script, so in this scenario we need to put in place a CMD startup script which by default will be executed after the PowerShell startup script.
Refer to Google Cloud documentation for more information.
GKE Creation Method - this method applies when you create a GKE Cluster
Step 1: Navigate to Kubernetes engine
Step 2: Create GKE Cluster
Figure 4: inject startup script while creating a GKE Cluster_palo-alto-networks
This method applies when you add a Windows Nodepool to an existing GKE Cluster
Step 1: Navigate to Kubernetes engine
Step 2: Add Nodepool
Figure 5: inject startup script while adding a nodepool_palo-alto-networks
This method applies when you want to update an existing Windows nodepool and install the Windows Container Defender on existing nodes and nodes that will be created.
Step 1: Navigate to Kubernetes engine
Step 2: Update Nodepool
Figure 6: inject startup script on an existing nodepool_palo-alto-networks
Update all Instance groups in the nodepool by adding the windows-startup-script-cmd metadata value.
Step 3: Restart VMs
This step is taken to install the Windows Container Defender on existing nodes. The process is as follows:
Figure 7: restart VMs of existing instance group_palo-alto-networks
Do this process for all the instance groups in the nodepool.
Step 1: Navigate to Prisma Cloud Defenders Section
Figure 8: Defenders connection verification_palo-alto-networks
You should see Windows Container Defenders in the connected status.
You can also deploy the Windows container defender to protect your containers running on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Windows nodes with containerd runtime. By installing the Defender you will be able to view the running containers and images on the Radar and leverage Prisma Cloud Runtime Defense capabilities on the running containers.
It’s possible to install a Windows Container Defender on GKE Windows nodes and automate this installation process by using the windows-startup-script-cmd metadata key with a one-liner encoded command-line script as its value. This Defender can also be installed on brand new Windows nodes and existing ones.
[1] ps1_to_cmd.ps1
[3] Use startup scripts on Windows VMs
Omoniyi Jabaru is a senior customer success engineer specializing in Prisma Cloud, Next-Generation Firewall, AWS, Azure, GCP, containers and Kubernetes. He uses simple approaches to break down complex problems into solutions for global enterprise customers and leverage their multi-industry knowledge to inspire success.