Prisma Cloud Discussions
Share ideas and post questions related to Prisma Cloud — the industry's most comprehensive cloud native security platform — and the compute capabilities available within it in this forum.
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Prisma Cloud Discussions
Share ideas and post questions related to Prisma Cloud — the industry's most comprehensive cloud native security platform — and the compute capabilities available within it in this forum.
About Prisma Cloud Discussions
Share ideas and post questions related to Prisma Cloud — the industry's most comprehensive cloud native security platform — and the compute capabilities available within it in this forum.


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  1. Be Respectful: Treat fellow community members with professionalism and courtesy. Constructive discussion

JayGolf by Community Team Member
  • 1 replies

PrismaCloud API: Resource Scan Info


We are getting resources information by the api call /resource/scan_info (POST method), but we want to get the resource.type and the cloud.service associated to the resource in the response.

In the API reference there is a field named fields wich


MLópez by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Configure Github enterprise API as oauth2.0

Hello all,


I've been trying to configure github enterprise as provider on the OAUTH2.0 authentication page. For what I can experience the API URL is hardcoded to as I can see in the logs. My question is if it's possible to con


Prisma Internet access from remote site

Hi everyone, hope you're all safe and well. My company is in the process of rolling out Palo Alto, Prisma and Global Protect worldwide. I've come across an issue that is causing me a bit of a headache. I hope someone can help.


Current setup

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BChana by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

CSPM API changed?

It seems to be (from the content in the response) that the API of Prisma Cloud CSPM has changed. When I call '' the response (according to the documentation


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