Enhanced Security Measures in Place:   To ensure a safer experience, we’ve implemented additional, temporary security measures for all users.

Threat & Vulnerability Discussions
This forum provides information regarding how to detect and prevent the impact of vulnerabilities, malware, and other threats through the use of the Palo Alto Networks security platform.
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Threat & Vulnerability Discussions
This forum provides information regarding how to detect and prevent the impact of vulnerabilities, malware, and other threats through the use of the Palo Alto Networks security platform.
About Threat & Vulnerability Discussions

Welcome to the Threat and Vulnerability discussion forum. This forum exists as a resource for security professionals to discuss and share information pertaining to the topics of threats and vulnerabilities.
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Vulnerability alerts

There is a web site www.vpnranks.com( that is identified as type=THREAT and App=HAS KNOWN VULNERABILITY.  As a result, it is blocked by our PAN firewalls (i.e. this is the info in the logs when I ping  According to the PAN w


cottrell by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

unknown threat name

Our firewall detected a spyware "C2-Bitsight-Prirrit" with threat id 15006. But I can't find any information about this spyware on Palo Alto's support site. The id seems non-exist. Could it be a mistake? 

class not found


I wrote a prototype from panos class.

then created local prototype in committer-config.yml, restarted minemeld, everything is up and running.

Then I created the prototype in /opt/minemeld/local/prototypes/***.yml, I can see it in Web UI.

I cloned


zulaa by L1 Bithead
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