Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.
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Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.
About VirusTotal

Welcome to the VirusTotal discussion forum. This forum exists as a place to submit verdict review requests for False Positive verdicts for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) seen on VirusTotal. All posts to this forum must be properly structured in order to be reviewed by our team.

For an introduction to the forum, please see the sticky!

This forum is not a customer support venue. Palo Alto Networks staff will not engage in active discussions on this forum. Our staff will ingest properly formatted submissions for review and update Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) verdicts when appropriate. For information on contacting Palo Alto Networks support, click here.


VirusTotal Verdict Change Request for False Positive

Sticky post for VirusTotal Discussion Forum.


This forum is here to enable those who are not Palo Alto Networks customers to submit a false positive verdict change request for a Palo Alto Networks verdict on VirusTotal. (i.e. malware or malicious


brcook by L2 Linker
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  • 6 Likes flag on installer 32-bit

Hey Paolalto Team! A file used by our WaveBrowser is being flagged and we feel this is a mistake caught by the heuristic engine. Would y'all take a look at the file for us? If you do find an issue, please let us know and we can make any necessary cha


False Positive (Generic.Ml)

File sha-256 hash: 33a5bb0753cb2476aeb03e6331b4d60a0cedff26c6aa938a49b4da6053d6fe33

virustotal link:

lacchari by L0 Member
  • 0 replies

Resolved! False positive (

Hi, I would like to report a false positive detection by Palo Alto Networks of the following file:


File Hash:
MD5: FB35DEDEC1617159C097FBA34C7AC8E6
SHA1: 779A564DAB3BD7B9F605773B1ADA0D8FB76034CC
SHA256: 7B7782AAEE9E89BE44AD024A2F2884FD396207473E75E7EF2E


kns123 by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

False Positive on Installer 64-bit

Hey Palo Alto Team! A file used by our Wave Browser is being flagged and we feel this is a mistake caught by the heuristic engine. Would y'all take a look at the file for us? If you do find an issue, please let us know and we can make any necessary c


Resolved! False positive detection (


This binary is a trading platform in the cryptocurrency market, developed by the company I represent here. Our software is being flagged as malware, but this result is a false positive, could you help us?


  • File Hash: 2290b1d5ef57f0b30d351e898662e

Resolved! False Positive on Installer 32-bit

Hey Palo Alto Team! A file used by our Wave Browser is being flagged and we feel this is a mistake caught by the heuristic engine. Would y'all take a look at the file for us? If you do find an issue, please let us know and we can make any necessary c


Resolved! False positive detection (

File Hash: aa2fa6f8ed2dba5952797368fd751226488c3b6613441ab88fcf0713adbd7aec

Link to Virustotal report for the file:

Current VirustTotal Verdict


Company utility getting flagged as a virus

Hi Everyone, I have a utility written by my company and used by support staff to support customers. It is currently getting flagged as a virus, as I'm assuming its unsigned. Is there any chance at getting it removed from the blacklist ? or is it unli


False Positive Submission (

Hello, I would like to report a false positive detection by Palo Alto Networks of the following files:


File Hash (7Launcher Arma 3 Setup 

MD5: c9cc861aaf4894ad545a7db3eb1f3606
SHA-1: f04d9e60f72eb27baceeba9863fe31eace8bb14c
SHA-256: 1befeb530b5e86ce4d6


TheANSI by L1 Bithead
  • 4 replies

Virustotal false positive on AltDrag 1.45 software

I am a developer of the AltDrag software that allows you to move/resize windows with the Alt+Click combo like under Linux. Main page here:

Latest release 1.45 can be found here:


Resolved! VirusTotal false positive (

Hi there, General Arcade here, a porting house and co-development studio based in Singapore and Russia. Recently a game called "The Spectrum Retreat" was released on Epic Store and unfortunately one of the files was flagged as "".

Here's a f


AlexGA by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

False Positive: Palo Alto Networks

Dear Support,
my name is Artiom Carabas and I'm a software developer at Control Systems GmbH,our main domain - print-management and accounting solutions. For the moment we are working on our solution e-FOLLOW (


Resolved! Virustotal false positive on AltDrag 1.44 software

I am a developer of the AltDrag software that allows you to move/resize windows with the Alt+Click combo like under Linux. Main page here:

Latest release 1.44 can be found here:


VirusTotal Verdict Change Request for False Positive Vance AI

Dear Palo Alto Networks Team,

This is Vance AI Inc. team ( We noticed that one of our software (vance_ai_image_enhancer_x64_online_1105_90e3c384 ) has False positive on Virus total report. However, our company is making every eff


JacobLi by L0 Member
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