Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.
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Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.
About VirusTotal

Welcome to the VirusTotal discussion forum. This forum exists as a place to submit verdict review requests for False Positive verdicts for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) seen on VirusTotal. All posts to this forum must be properly structured in order to be reviewed by our team.

For an introduction to the forum, please see the sticky!

This forum is not a customer support venue. Palo Alto Networks staff will not engage in active discussions on this forum. Our staff will ingest properly formatted submissions for review and update Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) verdicts when appropriate. For information on contacting Palo Alto Networks support, click here.


VirusTotal Verdict Change Request for False Positive

Sticky post for VirusTotal Discussion Forum.


This forum is here to enable those who are not Palo Alto Networks customers to submit a false positive verdict change request for a Palo Alto Networks verdict on VirusTotal. (i.e. malware or malicious


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