Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.
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Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.
About VirusTotal

Welcome to the VirusTotal discussion forum. This forum exists as a place to submit verdict review requests for False Positive verdicts for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) seen on VirusTotal. All posts to this forum must be properly structured in order to be reviewed by our team.

For an introduction to the forum, please see the sticky!

This forum is not a customer support venue. Palo Alto Networks staff will not engage in active discussions on this forum. Our staff will ingest properly formatted submissions for review and update Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) verdicts when appropriate. For information on contacting Palo Alto Networks support, click here.


VirusTotal Verdict Change Request for False Positive

Sticky post for VirusTotal Discussion Forum.


This forum is here to enable those who are not Palo Alto Networks customers to submit a false positive verdict change request for a Palo Alto Networks verdict on VirusTotal. (i.e. malware or malicious


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False Positive Removal Request



Could you please white-list our software installer as it's marked as generic.pup on website which should be a false-positive.


1/ File Hash: 044a8f27b198701805cd3e4581e174ad245664faa3b4164a86e5fcffa8c1a528

Current VT Verdict: generic


False Positive Removal Request



Could you please white-list our software installer as it's marked as generic.pup on website which should be a false-positive.


1/ File Hash: d8dc2660ef6ec9b8b366f2a0a18f8d465fe72d54433a11a73a92168af113701a

Current VT Verdict: generic


False Positive Removal Request



Could you please white-list our software installer as it's marked as generic.pup on website which should be a false-positive.


1/ File Hash: fa35bb1bbce7ccf670d807a68c585ca7d1d4a7bdfb436aa8572820cce8556f0f

Current VT Verdict: generic


Resolved! False Positive Report

File Hash: b44bbdfec96398f4f635fce7692b5732421d073ab3ce094912b708ce3e925ceb

Link to Virustotal report for the file:

Current VirustTotal Verdict: g


Resolved! False positive detection ""!

We have checked our software on VirusTotal and see false positive detections (
File Hash: 3c708afa2e1e50cdfc41f4ad233206969f20fef3
Current VT Verdict:
Description: False positive detection in Safebytes_Anti-Malware.exe with


Resolved! False Positive Report (generic.pup)

Dear Sirs,

My name is Ian and I represent TweakBit. We have recently released a new version of our products and it is detected by you as “generic.pup”. Please help us to solve this issue asap.

  • generic.pup -

Resolved! False Positive Removal Request



Could you please white-list our software installer as it's marked as generic.pup on website which should be a false-positive.


File Hash: f585032087153bc382538ea3d104496b2df41d2cc20153e7e6bf9e0ea79d6876

Current VT Verdict: generic.pu


Resolved! False Positive Removal Request



Could you please white-list our software installer as it's marked as generic.pup on website which should be a false-positive.


File Hash: aea8aec67ad19182886c303a4529eb7b8207112aec6806e1aa686e52116c03be

Current VT Verdict: generic.pu


Resolved! False Positive Removal Request



Could you please white-list our software installer as it's marked as generic.pup on website which should be a false-positive.


File Hash: 012de50556f62146c28d8bc1265efd8885e2312af8350ee94f0f48c2f9f8e1ea

Current VT Verdict: generic.pu


Palo Alto appliance FP detections

I have come across numerous FPs. I am curious how the Palo Alto appliance alerts on files. The Threat Vault shows a file hash and a Virus total link generally. The files triggering signatures have nothing in common with the signatures often so I woul...

Resolved! FP Removal request

Hi there,


Can I ask you to reanalyse this file and remove from detection please?



Resolved! False positive detection ""

We have checked our software on VirusTotal and see false positive detections (
File Hash: 3c708afa2e1e50cdfc41f4ad233206969f20fef3
Current VT Verdict:
Description: False positive detection in Safebytes_Anti-Malware.exe with


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