Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.
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Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.
About Cortex XSOAR Discussions
Cortex XSOAR enables SOC analysts to manage alerts across all sources, standardize processes with playbooks, take action on threat intel, and automate response for any security use case.


Live Backup encountered the following error on this host: [master] Failed live back on remote server [401]. DR authorization header does not equal con


we've been having issues with Live Backup:


Live Backup encountered the following error on this host: [master] Failed live back on remote server [401], [{"id":"unauthorized","status":401,"title":"Unauthorized","detail":"The request requires auth


RickyLam by L1 Bithead
  • 4 replies

Resolved! Add additional fields in Jira edit issue task

Hi All, 


"Jira-edit-Issue" task has some default Arguments as Inputs (eg: IssueID, priority,status, summary, description etc.,). Now I need to add new field as Inputs to Jira edit issue from XSOAR, fields like resolution, etc.

I tried editing the s


Himangi by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

SlackAskV2 Invalid Block Format

Hi folks, 

i am new with XSOAR and i try to create an approval workflow with SlackAskV2. 

Of course i prefer the default resonse type with buttons. And here's my problem. It does not work in the playbook editor.
I always get the following error, when


NDNico by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Grid Field Setup In XSOAR

Dear All


I am trying to setup a new Grid Field in XSOAR.

I have added few column header with the field names that I require however, in the layout, not all columns are shown.

There are certain fields which are missing in the display.


Uploading report via demisto api post request

Hello everyone,


I am trying to upload json file to create report. Despite I tried tons of way I couldn't send the body properly. demisto-api-post request need multipart/form-data content type. Is there any way to send raw json properly?


Here is m


Paint markdown table cells or rows


We use markdown tables to show the analysts' incident data. We use them for manual tasks in details as in layouts. We'd like to paint those cells where the data shown is critical. For example, on a markdown table where some hashes are detonate


Josep by L4 Transporter
  • 3 replies

XSOAR Threat intel IOC Ingestion to Splunk



We have created EDL query to ingest IOC to the SPLUNK from XSOAR Threat intel management Platform.


We have to know that Refresh List will work  and how to get all IOC via EDL query from XSAOR


Kindly share any best practice any one implement


Resolved! Create widget for bioc and ioc rule numbers

Hello everyone,


I am trying to get numbers of bioc and ioc rules from our xdr integration. I want to create a widget to see that how many ioc and bioc rules added week by week. Do anyone have idea for this?


Thanks in advance.


Cortex XDR Cortex


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