Nominated Discussion: ISP Failover and DHCP

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This article is based on a discussion, "Precedence of Routing\NAT\Policy". Read on to see Cyber Elite @TomYoung's response!


Hello, I am following this guide to set up ISP failover.:


The problem is that my failover ISP (Starlink), does not provide me a static IP address  


How would you recommend accomplishing what I want to do when the failover ISP provides a DHCP address?


Thank you!

Accepted Solution:


Hi @pomologist,


If you want the static ISP to be primary, and the DHCP ISP to be secondary, configure the static route for the static ISP just like the document.  Then set the metric for the DHCP default route to be higher than the static route.



Only the default route to the static ISP will be active (A) in the route table (Show Runtime Stats).  When there is a failure (cannot ping the Path Monitoring IP addresses), that default route will be removed.  The DHCP ISP default route will then be used.


Very important!  Do not use only one destination IP address under Path Monitoring!  Use at least 2 with the Failure Condition set to "all."  Then if one public IP goes down for maintenance, your Internet does not fail over.







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Last Updated:
‎01-17-2023 01:41 PM
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