Threat & Vulnerability Discussions
This forum provides information regarding how to detect and prevent the impact of vulnerabilities, malware, and other threats through the use of the Palo Alto Networks security platform.
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Threat & Vulnerability Discussions
This forum provides information regarding how to detect and prevent the impact of vulnerabilities, malware, and other threats through the use of the Palo Alto Networks security platform.
About Threat & Vulnerability Discussions

Welcome to the Threat and Vulnerability discussion forum. This forum exists as a resource for security professionals to discuss and share information pertaining to the topics of threats and vulnerabilities.
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Codecov Breach

A conversation I have been hearing crop up is whether or not customers should be worried about Palo Alto being a Codecov customer and if that means that they are affected as well? Are only direct clients of Codecov affected?

PMcelroy by L0 Member
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Resolved! Base url category is different from sub url category the traffic was under allow need to know why it was not blocked

Hi Team,


Below screenshot states that the base url comes under content delivery network and the sub Url comes under phishing where customer wants to know why they were not blocking by the firewall.

Also while im checking



Host sweep alert from an iPad

We have an iPad that is triggering our scan block policy as a host sweep. The iPad is attempting to connect to one external (Internet) IP over port 443. It's happened for the past few days to a different external IP each time.


Threat vault info.



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