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(DO NOT EDIT resolv.conf)   If needed, the steps to statically configure a DNS server to the Expedition server will be to edit the dns-nameserver in the /etc/network/interfaces file.    Editing resolv.conf is not reliable as any edits will be overwritten on reboot of the Expedition server.   expedition@Expedition:/etc/network$ sudo vi interfaces   Configured to use DHCP   # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).   source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*   # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback   # The primary network interface auto ens33 iface ens33 inet dhcp dns-nameservers   Configured with a static IP   # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).   source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*   # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback   # The primary network interface auto ens33 iface ens33 inet static        address        netmask        gateway        dns-nameservers
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Please review the attached document for SHA256 hash of the Expedition OVA.  
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This document describes how to enable and configure the new feature in update version 1.1.20 to enable the scheduling of log processing for the Machine Learning feature.
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Expedition uses PHP to perform the backend actions. Some of those require interactions with MariaDB databases and use mysqli as a driver to connect to these databases.   In order to ensure that connections to the database are alive, we want to modify one of the PHP System parameters that allows reconnections to the database once those are lost.   Open a terminal to Expedition and edit the following files:   1. php.ini for Apache Edit the php.ini file for Apache with the following command sudo nano /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini change (you can use the Search feature with ^W) mysqli.reconnect = Off to mysqli.reconnect = On Write the changes with ^O and exit nano with ^X     2. php.ini for CLI Edit the php.ini file for Apache with the following command sudo nano /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini change (you can use the Search feature with ^W) mysqli.reconnect = Off to mysqli.reconnect = On  Write the changes with ^O and exit nano with ^X     3. Apply the changes Once the changes are done, apply them by sudo service apache2 restart
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The attached document has been used as a lab guide to configure the machine learning in your environment.    Replace the VM and Expedition details using your configuration and traffic logs to start using machine learning to show how App-ID can be employed to reduce the attack surface of your security policies.
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Generate the XML configuration by running this command from the CLI   show configuration | display xml | no-more   Before you import a Juniper SRX into Expedition, there are some manual checks we can do to verify the migration will work.   The configuration must start only with <configuration> tag, you have to replace everything before or inside that tag by only <configuration> The configuration must end with </configuration> any other text after it must be removed         Here's an example on how a SRX config should look when you edit:   <configuration> .... .... </configuration>   For integrity validation is a good practice try to open the XML file from FIREFOX browser becasue if something is breaking the XML integretity FIREFOX will notice to you which line has an invalid character. You must replace the invalid character before upload it to Expedition This is an example of wrong configuration. It seems someone created the file but stored with wrong jumps on it, so Firefox will complain about the format.        If we edit the file, we can see this at line 911 of the config file:   <pre-shared-key> <ascii-text>$9$4xxxxxxxxxxxx</asc ii-text> </pre-shared-key>    To fix this example, we have to remove the break line after </asc to:   <pre-shared-key> <ascii-text>$9$4xxxxxxxxxxxx</ascii-text> </pre-shared-key>  Fix all the problems before importing into Expedition.   Hope this helps.
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Expedition comes with a built-in messaging queue system.   This mechanism allows it to prepare some tasks and send it to the queue. With this, we can run jobs internally without having to wait until the job is finished in the same page we are.   The first thing you will have to do when you enter in Expedition is check if the process is UP or DOWN, click on START in case is DOWN. If this is DOWN the Jobs will not be executed until it get's UP again. Dashboard  Some of the tasks relaying in the TASK MANAGER are: Download contents from Devices Auto-Zone Function Retrieve dynamic reports from firewalls for App-ID and User-ID adoption Machine Learning     Debug: If you want to see the output generated by the jobs running from the Queue you can see the content here:   tail -f /home/userSpace/panReadOrders.log    
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There are many ways to replace Zones in your Rules but there is one that really makes a difference.   The idea in this example is replace the Zone called VPN-Didac by Untrust. So the approach we will take is filter by the Zone and see where this zone is used and then do the replace.   From within the Project navigate to Network and then click on Zones.         From there right-click on the Zone (point he mouse over the name) we want to replace, in our case VPN-Didac and select Add to filter.   This will create a new filter and we need to activate it by using drag and drop to drop it under ACTIVE folder and click on APPLY FILTER button.       Navigate to TOOLS and Search and Replace. Select from the left panel where the output from the filters are listed the Zone we want to replace and then Expedition will search in what groups or policies has been used.     In our example we will click on Security Policies and we will select all the rules where this zone was seen and we will add to Replace, the same will do with the Nat Policies shown as well. After that we will click on REPLACE.   From the REPLACE view and keeping all the elements selected choose from the combo called Replace by "Zones" and then from the next combo called "To" select the zone you want to be replaced by the one you searched.     Click on Replace All and check from the Rules the change was effectively done.       Done !  
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Question Can I export my project to another Expedition instance? Answer Yes you can!   Export a Project:    Warning: Only Expedition Super-Users can Import and Export Projects.   Login to your Expedition Go to Projects Tab Select the project you want to export and click on Settings Projects View        4. Go to the Import/Export sub-Tab      5. Click on the Export button.       6. Click on Save   Import Export View   Import a Project:      1. Create a new Project     2. Click on Settings of the project     3. Go to the Import/Export sub-Tab     4. From the Import fieldset click on Browse to select the project to import     5. Click on Save   Warning: In case the project already exists the content will be replaced by the new one, whatever it was in the project will be replaced with the new content.     The log connectors will be removed from the project because they reference devices that may not exists where you are importing the project.   Import Export View  
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There is a time when you already started a project and then you need to import the configuration from one device you didn't created yet.   From the Expedition Dashboard, go to Devices and add the new device. After generate the keys and import the contents go to the Projects view Select your project and click on settings Go to Devices Select the firewall you want to bring to your project Click on the Arrow that points to the Right Click on Save   Project's Settings View   Now when you enter into your project and navigate to the Import tab you will see the device to be imported.   
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In Expedition, there are many different ways to setup a filter. Let's start from the beginning.   Case A) Project Dashboard:      Project Dashboard   When you click on one of the counters from the PROJECT STATISTICS Expedition will set a filter and will jump into the object selected. If you click on services Duplicated counter this is the filter will take action plus you will be transported to the Services view Filter Window   Case B) Predefined Filters   From any objects view when we press right-click an advanced menu will be shown, one of the options its called predefined filters, just open the list and select the one you want to automatically create and apply the filter.   Right-click over one service     Each type of object can have their own predefined filters but usually they are common between them   Case C) Custom Filters   Click on Filters from the Objects or Policies view to get access to the Filter assistant Access to Filter Assistant     A new window will show up. From here we can create our custom filter   Scope: Where this filter will apply, The more number of objects you add to the scope will reduce the amount of fields common between them to be able to search by, like if you select as scope address and addressgroups you can search only by name, tag and description because those are the fields in common, if you only select address all the fields related to address can be used to search like ipaddress, cidr, etc... Field: the field we want use to filter Operator: It can be equal, or contains, etc What to search: Text we want to search on the selected field. to CREATE the filter click on the plus button Creating custom filter   To Apply the new filter we have to select the filter from AVAILABLE and DROP into ACTIVE folder Click on APPLY FILTER Edit Custom Filter   From the Objects and Policies views, you can see if there is any Active filter and Clear them all     Remember when creating a custom filter, first add to the available filters and then drop it into the ACTIVE to apply the filter.
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Expedition comes with a framework to manage the Role-Based Access Control, this will help you to add users with different level of privileges.        1) Expedition User Roles:                 a) Super User: This Role allows the User to manage everything on Expedition              b) Admin: This Role allows the user to Create projects and devices but cannot change system settings or add new users              c) User: This Role allows the user only to enter on Expedition and see projects and devices where has been granted access.        View of adding a new user to Expedition          2) Project User Roles:             When a project is created by an Expedition Super-User or Admin, this can be edited by clicking on Settings   View of Expedition Project Settings           From the Settings window, we can add Expedition Users to the Project. Inside the Project, we have different Roles:           a) admin: This Role can change the Project Settings and modify all the content within it.         b) user: This Role can edit the project contents but it cannot change the project settings to add more devices or users to the project.          c) viewer: This Role is for read-only purposes. Doesn't have any privileges to change nothing inside the project or manage the project settings.    View of Edit Project panos to add Expedition users.       As an example, you can create a new Expedition user with Role (User) and attach this user to one Project as (admin), in this case the User be able to manage only the project and the content but it will be unable to add more projects, devices or users to Expedition.     Hope this helps to clarify how to assign Roles.  
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Symptoms Sometimes you have the need to add the same Security Profile or Log forwarding Profile or even a TAG to a large amount of Security Policies. When the number of rules is really high the function MULTIEDIT can be sometimes SLOW. How can i perform BULK changes for common problems really FAST?   Diagnosis Solution With version 1.0.107, we introduced a new way to perform BULK CHANGES in a really super fast way.   From POLICIES, you can use right click or click on the TOP RIGHT menu button for Options     View of Security Policies Bulk Changes   Here you will find all the available options for BULK CHANGES. At the time to select one option you will have to select if want to apply the change to all the Rules or just the selected ones. The changes will be made immediately.    
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Expedition offers local user authentication and external user authentication via LDAP and Radius servers.   In this example, we will illustrate how to configure external authentication via a Windows Active Directory server.     Settings in LDAP Server We have created a server under the domain sctc.domain.local, defined a group called "developers" and added a user "didac gil" with logon name "didacgil9".   In the figure, we can notice that users authenticate with the suffix "@sctc.domain.local". We will have to take account of this value for providing the correct settings in Expedition to complete the user authentication.   View of Active Directors Users and Computers, highlighting @sctc.domain.local in a user account.   Defining LDAP Server in Expedition In Expedition, we will first define the LDAP authentication server. Only Superusers have rights for server registration or modification. We have two different approaches for user authentication.   Approach 1. User needs to enter full logon name Define a server providing the desired server's name, the server's address and port, server type (Windows or Linux), Search DN parameters and SSL and/or TLS usage.   In our case, we our server responds at sctc.domain.local port:389 and we have named LDAP_approach1. The users that will use this server for authentication belong to the developers group, therefore we have provided the following Search DN: "CN=developers,DC=sctc,DC=domain,DC=local". Contact your Active Directory administrator to verify your correct Search DN parameters.     View of Approach 1 to Add New LDAP Server using the address sctc.domain.local.   After saving, we will test the server settings clicking on the diagnostics icon. We will be required to enter an existing user's credentials.    View of LDAP Test Connection   A feedback will be provided with the results of the connection.   Through this approach, users will have to provide their full account name for authentication. In our case, didacgil9@sctc.domain.local will be the user name account required to have a valid authentication.     Approach 2. Server specifies the user suffix In this case, we will facilitate the user's logon, providing the suffix already in the server settings. This way, a user will only have to write their account name "didacgil9". View of Approach 2 to Add New LDAP Server using the address sctc.domain.local.   Notice that using this approach, all users must share the same suffix in order to be able to validate their credentials.
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  Expedition TechNote: CSV Import Guide: This document provides examples and descriptions on how to import configurations using the "Import CSV" option available in Expedition. There are many use cases to utilize the CSV import feature with one of the main use cases being used to migrate 3rd party firewall configurations that Expedition currently does not have a native configuration parser for.   Updated May 15, 2019
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    Expedition (updated to version 1.1.11) User Guide Version 1.2 What is Expedition?   Expedition is the fourth evolution of the Palo Alto Networks Migration Tool. The original main purpose of this tool was to help reduce the time and effort to migrate a configuration from one of the supported vendors to Palo Alto Networks. By using the Migration Tool, everyone can convert a configuration from Checkpoint or Cisco or any other vendor to a PAN-OS and give you more time to improve the results. Migration Tool 3 added some functionalities to allow our customers to enforce security policies based on App-ID and User-ID as well. With Expedition, we have gone one step further, not only because we want to continue helping to facilitate the transition of a security policy from others vendors to PAN-OS but we want to ensure the outcome makes use of the most advanced features of the platform to get you closer to the best of the possible configurations. For this reason, we added a Machine Learning module, which can help you to generate new security policies based on real log traffic, and we have introduced the Best Practices Assessment Tool, which checks whether the configuration complies with the Best Practices recommended by our security experts. With all these huge improvements, we expect the next time you use Expedition the journey to excellence will be easier.   Login   Login From the Web Interface   Web Interface Login   This is only referencing the access via web interface Username admin Password paloalto   SECURITY WARNING: We encourage you to change the username and password after your first login.   Changing default credentials   As a best practice, we recommend that you change the default credentials as soon as possible (DP – upon first log in)   Web Interface Login   After you log in via the web browser, follow these instructions to change the password for the “admin” user.   A new window to change the password will be shown: Type the current password Type NEW password Re-type NEW password Click on Save Remember the password length has to be at least 10 characters long.       Let’s Migrate   Expedition can help you migrate pieces of configuration from other security vendors and import them into a Palo Alto Networks configuration. The goal is to reduce time and mistakes. Expedition results always need to be reviewed by a professional with knowledge of the vendor that has been migrated and with Palo Alto Networks technologies as well.   There is no easy button that magically converts a configuration from any vendor to Palo Alto Networks without applying the right methodologies and using qualified people.   Migration Workflow   The migration workflow applies to all the vendors we support: Import a Configuration (from a supported vendor) Export Unused Objects Report Remove Unused Clean Invalid Objects Rename, Remap Interfaces to PAN-OS Naming Convention Import a Base Configuration (Palo Alto Networks configuration from the device that you are migrating to) Move Objects From the Configuration Migrated to the Base Configuration. Merge Remove Duplicates (if any) Generate the Output (XML, SET Commands, API Calls) First step will be always creating a Project, then enter the project by double-click on it.   Importing a configuration into the project     Expedition can read from different sources. For more specific insights on each vendor, go to the Appendix at the end of this document. Here we will describe the common procedure to migrate any configuration.   Navigate to the Import Tab and select from what vendor you want to migrate. After the configuration has been imported to Expedition, check for invalid objects and clean them before you move forward.   Project Dashboard   As a good starting point, it’s recommended to take a look at the Project Statistics panel. We can search here for invalid, unused, and duplicate objects. We can go straight to review the invalid services by clicking on the number shown under the invalid column for the Services Row. That will move the view to Services, which is located under Objects and will apply a predefined filter to show only the Invalid Services.     Remove Unused Objects   Before searching how to fix those invalid services, it’s important to remove what was imported but not used in any security or NAT policy. Let's call them unused objects. To remove the unused objects, you have to navigate to the Objects Tab and look at the bottom right bar.     At the very end, you will find three buttons. The green button will recalculate the objects that are defined as used or not used. This should be used after changes have been made on the configuration, so Expedition can recalculate the used objects. The red button is will remove the unused objects from the configuration. The third button with the "X" on it will export a report with all the unused objects.   We recommend exporting the Excel file to track which objects will be removed from the configuration when you click on the red button, and it’s good to keep it for your migration records.   After export the Excel file, click the red button to remove all the unused, and recheck your dashboard to see if you reduced the number of fixes you have to make.   Fixing Invalid Services   Every time you import a configuration from a vendor other than Palo Alto Networks, it's common to have what we call invalid services. We consider invalid services all of those who were based on IP protocols other than TCP or UDP. For example, you can find ICMP services related or IPSec, GRE.     After we have removed the Unused Objects, only the used ones will be kept for remediation. In the case of invalid services, the only way to fix it, in case the original service was not TCP or UDP, is change it to an App-ID from Palo Alto Networks.     To update the App-IDs, just right-click on the invalid service and click Search and Replace from the advanced menu.     This will open up the Tools Tab and show you the Search & Replace Tab. The view is divided in two panels: the left panel shows the output of the applied filters and the right panel will show you where the selected items from the left panel are used.     Replace Services by App-ID   Select the service to be replaced. For instance, in our example, we will select the Group where ICMP was a member and clicked the Replace button located on the bottom bar.   Click Security Policy (1) then select the rule where the service is used and click Replace again.     If you want to see the rule(s) that use this object, just double-click on the rule and you will be redirected to the Policy Tab and a filter by that rule will be applied.   After review, move back to the Tools Tab, click the Search & Replace Tab, and click on Replace. In this example, we are replacing a service by an App-ID, so select Replace by “Applications” and then to “ICMP” and click Replace All.   There are a couple options enabled by default: Split rules when needed – In case we are replacing services by App-ID, check if the rule where the invalid service is in use has more services defined. In that situation, the rule will be cloned to allow the new App-ID but removing all the other services from the cloned rule, and then the invalid service will be removed from the original rule. By doing this, we don’t mix services with apps in the same rule which can lead to change the original behavior of the rule. Remove Service from Group – In case the invalid service was a member of a group, it will be removed after the replace as a member.   This procedure can be used in many other ways. For example, if we want to filter by a service or address and remove that object from the configuration, just select the object from the Search Results panel then add to Replace from where it was being used. To replace, select Replace by combo “Remove.” That will remove the object from where it was used, or if you have an address-group or service-group and you want to replace it by the members instead, you will do the same but in the Replace and select “Members” then click Replace All.   After replacement of the invalid objects, you can repeat the step for removing the unused objects since they will not be used anymore.   Remapping Interface Names   Expedition, when imports configurations from other vendors, keeps the original interface names to make the validation process easier after the import. The problem with that is naming usually doesn’t match the one that Palo Alto Networks expects, so we have to rename them to ensure the changes will be captured by our Palo Alto Networks configuration.   For example, we import a configuration from Cisco, and the interface names are “Ethernet1/1” which is very similar to a Palo Alto Networks naming convention, but, in our case, it must be all in lowercase.   To convert it to the proper naming convention, you can select the Ethernet1/1 that is parent for more sub-interfaces (vlan tags) and click on the Remap Interface Name located at the bottom left-side bar. From there, select Slot 1 and ethernet1/1.     After clicking the Remap button, the Expedition tool will replace the name of the interface in the whole configuration, including any references to it and any subinterfaces.     You will have to repeat the process to adapt all the interfaces that you want to migrate.   Import Your Base Configuration   What is the Base Configuration?   Base Configuration is a device's specific configuration that is usually taken from the Palo Alto Networks device that you are migrating to. The base configuration should be used, as the name suggests, as a base and should be merged with the imported third-party vendor configuration that you have imported and manipulated. The result of the merge should be a working and migrated Palo Alto Networks configuration.   The first PAN-OS configuration imported into the project will be assigned as Base Configuration. The Base Configuration is the one that will be used at the time to export the configuration out of Expedition or by generating an XML file or API calls. Any changes made to the Base Configuration will be applied to the output.   To import a Base Configuration, click the Import Tab from the PALO ALTO Tab and enter a link to your XML file that you previously exported from your PAN-OS device or just double click on one of the devices added to the project (if any) to import the config from the snapshot stored in Expedition.     After that, you can check from the Export Tab that the config has been set as Base Config by seeing if it has been placed in the right panel.     From there, you can select what objects we want to move from the left panel to the Base Configuration (right panel) by using drag and drop.   In case you want to move the objects from the left panel and convert them as shared objects, drop them into the Shared vsys/DG. After the merge, they will be transformed into shared objects, and all the references to them will point to the new shared objects (from policies, groups, etc).   Merge Objects to your Base Configuration   All migrated objects should be visible on the left panel under the Export Tab. The right panel should have your Base Configuration that you previously imported. You just need to drag and drop the migrated objects and policies from the left to the right. You can select certain parts of the migrated configuration to be moved to the final configuration or all of them.   Please make sure you place the objects and policies into the desired vsys configuration.     Repeat the same procedure with the Zones, Interfaces, Virtual Router(s) and drop them into the correct vsys.     The final step is to merge the migrated configuration and your base configuration and create you final configuration. To do this, click the MERGE button.   After this action, all the selected objects will be transferred from one configuration to the Base Configuration. If you want to see how it looks, you need to change the selected configuration and the vsys to the Base Configuration from the bottom bar by going to the Objects Tab. This will filter and show you the objects and rules on the Base Configuration.     After you have created the final configuration, you have two options to deploy it. One option is a manual XML file export that can be deployed on the Palo Alto Networks device to which you are migrating, and the other option is to use API calls to send parts of the configuration or the whole configuration to the device if that Palo Alto Networks device is already connected to Expedition.   Find Duplicates After the Merge and Removing Them   It is recommended that you run another check for duplicates and remove or merge them after a configuration migration. A common scenario is to have duplicates amongst objects, services, and/or interfaces.   Using the dashboard from within the project, it will tell you how many duplicated objects you have in your current configuration. You can click on the duplicate object to go to the object view, and Expedition will filter by duplicate and by name predefined filter.     Next, check the duplicated services to demonstrate the workflow to follow and get rid of them.     The object in Pink is a Shared object, so that means you have selected the vsys equal to all from the bottom bar. This will do a search across all the vsys/DG to find objects seen more than once. In our example, we want to keep the object that already exists as Shared and make all the references within the vsys/DG points after the merge to the Shared object only and finally the duplicated object out from the Shared will be removed.   First, select the duplicated objects you want to keep and then right-click and select Merge Options and “Set as Primary.” That will tell Expedition to keep the one we set as Primary after Merging the duplicated objects.     When the object has been set as Primary, you will notice a new icon appear.     Now you can apply the Merge type. In our case, we will use Merge by Name and Value to validate only the same duplicated object is merged. Right-click and select “Merge” then click “By Name & Value.” This will be applied to the selected objects or, in case you didn’t select any, it will be applied to all the results from the filter applied.   You can change the filter and add a predefined filter to show only the duplicated services by name only and then apply the merge by the same concept, only by name as well.   All this can be done with the right-click “Select predefined filter.”   Generating the Output When you are finished cleaning your configuration, it’s time to get the results and export from Expedition and import into your Palo Alto Networks device (Firewall or Panorama).   Navigate to the Export TAB.   Under the Mapping Tab, there is a button at the bottom bar-left titled “Generate XML & SET Output.” By pressing this button, Expedition will generate a XML configuration file and based on that configuration (and using a script called Pan-Python made by Kevin Steves https://github.com/kevinsteves/pan-python) it will generate the Set commands as well. After the generation, a new window with the download links will appear. Click the Downloads button to get access to that window as well.     You can generate API Calls to be sent to your devices in case you created them before and you added to the project you are working on. In that case, you will need to go under the tab titled, “API Output Manager.”   Here, you have several options. We will start covering Atomic and Subatomic.   Atomic calls will be API calls where with a single API call will add all the address, for instance, to a specific vsys/DG. If you select subatomic, you will get one API call by element you have. If you have 500 addresses, you will get 500 API calls, one for each address. With Atomic, you will get just one API call containing the 500 addresses inside.   Step One: Click on “Atomic” or “Subatomic” and click the “Step 1” button to create all the API calls. After that, the ID of each API call will tell you the order in which you have to send the API call. Yes, order matters. If you don’t select any, all API calls will be sent in the proper order.   Step Two: Click “Step 2” button and select the DEVICE where you want to send the API calls and send them all.     After the API call is sent, you will get the response from the device itself. If it was successful, you will see in the output.       Appendix A: Import   Importing CSV files   From within a project, it's possible to import CSV files containing objects that you want to add to you current configuration.   Requirements   You must have a configuration previously loaded in order to import something else on top by using CSV files.   How the CSV file must be created: The character used to split by columns is the semi-colon “;” The character used to split members inside a column is the comma “,”   Process   Select the object type you want to import. Example: Static Routes Select the CSV file from your laptop Map your columns with the predefined fields from the right panel Select where to import the new data loaded from the CSV and mapped In this example, routes are part of Templates and need to be imported into a Virtual-Router. Plus, select the virtual-system where your VR is located. Then click Import Data.   Order matters! If want to import Service Groups, you need to first import the services used on those Groups or the import will not be successful.   Importing an IronSkillet Day1 Configuration   IronSkillet is a project made by Palo Alto Networks to create a configuration that is already configured with some of the best practices recommended by our security experts. If you need to add a Base Configuration into Expedition to use it as a base to migrate something else, it's very simple now with the integration built in Expedition.   Process   Create a project and click to get in. After you enter the project, go to IMPORT. Then click the Tab title "Iron-Skillet."     From here, you can configure some parameters before the configuration is created. You can modify the parameters by hand, or, if you have an IronSkillet configuration file, you can load it to automatically fill the fields. Select the Configuration Type (Firewall or Panorama) this will generate the type of configuration selected. PAN-OS Version. You can select if the configuration you need but it must be 8.0 or 8.1 or X.X If you have an IronSkillet configuration, you can click LOAD FROM CLIPBOARD and paste the content from the file and then click SAVE. That will automatically fill the fields configured. Example: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaloAltoNetworks/iron-skillet/panos_v8.0/my_configs/sample-mgmt-dhcp/my_variables.py     After the changes are made, you have to click on GENERATE CONFIG AND IMPORT. This will create a Palo Alto Networks configuration file based on your selection (Firewall or Panorama) and with the selected version and all the changes made in the parameters will be applied to it. After IronSkillet generates the new configuration, Expedition will Encrypt it and automatically imported into the Project. If this is the first Palo Alto Networks configuration loaded on the Project, Expedition will set it as the Base Configuration.     Revision History Date Revision Comment June 22, 2018 A First release of this document. October 16,2018 B Added Appendix A April 1,2019 C Updated Screenshots August 27, 2019 D Created LIVEcommunity Article and Editorial Revisions
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Hello Expedition Community, The process to install and deploy Expedition has been changed by offering an installable script that can be used to deploy onto your own instance of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Cloud and On-Prem Ready The changes in the Expedition installation provides greater flexibility allowing users to deploy Expedition on-prem onto their local hyper-visor or onto a cloud compute resource in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. The attached document describes the OS requirements (Ubuntu 16.0.4) and recommend compute resources.   Download and read the attached Expedition installer guide. To get started with your Expedition installation, download the Expedition installer script: https://conversionupdates.paloaltonetworks.com/expeditionInstaller.tgz   Additional Information Download and follow the use case examples in the available Expedition Admin Guide and Technotes: https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/Expedition-Articles/Expedition-Documentation/ta-p/215619   Ask questions in the Expedition Community https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/Expedition-Discussions/bd-p/ExpeditionDiscussions  
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Expedition TechNote: Managing Service Objects – This document will describe how to optimize the services and services group objects.
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Take a look to the new Greenfield security policy generation based on PanOS logs.
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 A few feature added in the ver 1.1.9 release is the identification of "Ghost" objects which may require special handling based on the configuration file sources.   What are "Ghost" objects Ghost objects are temporary address objects (address objects only) that were learned from the migration of the Security and NAT policies. The ghost objects are displayed under OBJECTS > Address along with a new counter in the project dashboard.   The attached document provides background information on what causes ghost objects and how to mitigate them within a configuration.   This document will discuss the following topics: What are Ghost objects Handling of Ghost objects  
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When seeing counters increment for Duplicated Policies, this is indicating there are policies with the exact same name, which can cause a conflict within PAN-OS and cause a commit to fail.   The Duplicated Policies do not indicate an overlap or "Shadow" of policies.    The duplicated policy count can be seen in the PROJECT STATISTICS dashboard.   To view the policies with duplicated names you can use the filter by creating a filter for:   POLICIES > Security > FILTER > MERGE > POLICIES > Security Policies > Click the box for Rule Name     Clicking on each case listed in the results will display the policies with the same name in the background. The policies displayed in the backgroud can be edited to change the names.    
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Some times we need to reduce the amount of Objects to be migrated or just for optimization and there is one technique that can help us to reduce objects.    In this case we will search if in our config exist any Address-Group with just one Member. If exist we will replace the Address-Group by the Member in any place we find it used. It can be used as part of another Address-Group or can be used as source or destination in any Policy.   Procedure:   Search for Address-Groups with one Member: Go to Objects and point your mouse on the Address-Group Panel and over one Address-Group right-click with your mouse and select Predefined Filter and select the (Predefined) Groups with one Member.   Select the Tab TOOLS. From the right Panel select SEARCH & REPLACE.  Expedition will show you where those Address-Groups where used. Select from Address-Groups and Policies where they were used and click on Add to Replace   Now click on the Tab called REPLACE, now for all the objects selected we will apply on the option Replace by the option Members and click on the Replace All button at the bottom of the page - right.      After the action completes we can go back to OBJECTS and check if those Address-Groups now are shown as unused. In case afirmative you can then safely remove them.       
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Some times we need to reduce the amount of Objects to be migrated or just for optimization and there is one technique that can help us to reduce objects   Its common when we have used Expedition to migrate a configuration from CISCO or FORTINET to have address objects named as H-X.X.X.X or N-X.X.X.X-XX or even if the name was just an IP Address, but they were created as Address Object and count as Object. There is one function inside Expedition to convert them as IP Address that will be only Used on Rules as IP Address or IP Ranges hard-coded as Source or Destination on Rules. So they will not be used as Address Objects anymore.   This has pros and cons but if our Goal is reduce the amount of Address Objects this can help us.   Search from OBJECTS -> ADDRESS with right-click in one Address select the Predefined Filter called "Name is IP address". This will search the Address where the name is an IP Address.         We can add more filters to this process, Select the Filters Options and add all the Address where the name starts with H- for example, and the objects that starts with N- and the objects that starts with RANGE-, put the focus only on Address.         After Run SQL select the Address you want to transform to an IP Address and right-click with your mouse over one of the selected Address and select the option "Transform" -> "Object To IpAddress" and automatically all those objects will be renamed with the IP or Range Address (netmasks will be added as well in case are not /32) and will be marked internally as "dummy" objects, those objects will not be considered at the time to generate the XML or API Calls.       You can check before to transform them as IP Address if they are part of any group by going to TOOLS and SEARCH & REPLACE.                 
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Symptoms Im trying to login to Expedition but the browser says 'Incorrect user or password' but they are correct. What's going on? Diagnosis Behavior seen in Chrome by now. Solution The web browser needs to restart the connetion with Expedition. to do it just reload the web page with the IP address of your Expedition VM and then you will be prompted to allow the certificate again, the session will be then re-established and everything will work again.
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