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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Help Allowing VDI Connections

AT&T has provided our users with virtual machines using VMware Horizon Client.  However, when in the office, our users cannot connect to their VDI machine.  However, when external, using our GlobalProtect VPN, they connect successfully.


Error: Load


Panorama will not upgrade as a stand alone.

Hi guys new here. The problem I'm having is my panorama will not upgrade. Of course I get the "requires a content version of 8529 or greater". I've look that up and found out I needed to download the latest content(APPS and Threats), did that but I g


Myoung1 by L0 Member
  • 3 replies

Doubt about costomize config log paloalto

Hi team

The security auditors ask us if in the Config Log it is possible to have an additional field in the log that links all the events of a rule change with a ticket id external to Palo Alto.

That is to say that in the attached logs an additional


Alpalo by L4 Transporter
  • 1 replies

Global Protect connections fails after 20-30 seconds


We have an issue with a Global Protect connection failing for some users in couple of seconds after we migrated from PA 3000 to 1410 series FW.  PA 3000  was 10.2.9 and the new FW came with PANOS 11.1.2-h3 version.

For the users with the probl



issue about sdwan bgp routing

HI , Bro

I setup a hub-spoke sdwan on my pnet lab

Hub  can learn site1 and site2 internal routing , but it can not pass  these  routing entry  between  site1 and site2.
which cause hub and spoke(site1 and site2) can access  each other  ,   but the spok


SD WAN using loopback on Palo Alto

I configuring a HUB for SDWAN with vpn, however this firewall currently have vpn tunnels to 3rd parties.  Due to this I am planning on using a separate wan ip for sd-wan.  However I do not have free ports on my firewall for this.  Is it possible to c


mmercald by L1 Bithead
  • 4 replies

Authentication failed: empty password. Azure SAML.


Users leave computer on after work.

Users come back to reconnect.

User gets Authentication Failed message in default browser.

User notices that sometimes their username is not their SAML UnP (email) but their AD username. 

it should be their S


PBF Monitor Target

Scenario is dual-ISP scenario using PBF to connect via primary ISP but switch to secondary if primary goes down.


In a Policy Based Forwarding rule in the Monitor section of the Forwarding tab, there are 2 checkboxes: one for Monitoring itself, and th


Resolved! uniqe id for policies

Good Morning,

we are using a pa-1420 and manage it via the web-browser. We sort and group the policies with tags. The rules have a name and an order. Both are changeable. Is there also a unique ID that can be used to permanently identify rules? I did


Get EDL Entries on Panorama

Hi gurus,

May I know if I can get ip/url/domain EDL entries on Panorama? As I can only see predefined-ip  amd predefined-url types on my Pamorama instance, I am not sure if it relates to my Pamorama license.


When I try to get entries of my custom


jyao by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Strata , Prisma & Cortex || Difference

Hi, what is the difference b/w Strata, Prisma & cortex, as Strata is only used for Enterprise solution? Prisma for cloud ? in official documentation Strata have also cloud solution then what's the function of Prisma? Strata included specific mod...

Khalid by L0 Member
  • 4 replies

How to configure a PBF rule in shared gateway

Hi All,

I need your help. Does anyone have experience configuring a PBF rule on a shared gateway? I’ve set it up as shown in the screenshot below. My Tier 2 firewall has 3 VSYS and 1 shared gateway, with the default route pointing to the Tier 1 Forti


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