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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! SNMP Monitor a VPN Tunnel?

If I point my network monitoring system at our PAN, it sees all the ethernetx/x NICs and the MGMT NIC and a "HA" interface.

Is there a way to add a VPN tunnel (tunnel.1) to the list of interfaces monitored as I'd like to know traffic passed up/down th


Resolved! Memory usage issue at no traffic case

I have a PA-2050 running PAN 3.1.4,  There is no traffic on the device.  Only the management IP was assinged to the device.

But only 44MB free memory is available. Is this expected behaviour?

% CPU 18  %Free Memory 44.0 MBTotal Memory 984.2 MB% Disk U...

Resolved! NAT question


I have migrated a configuration from an netscreen firewall.

On the netscreen on the outside interface (against the internet) there are two mip ip's configured,

one of the MIP ip's are on the same subnet as the ip on the main ip. But the other IP


NSS Labs report

Hello guys,

I was reading the recent NSS Labs Report and noticed at page 5 the following:

'security effectiveness was excellent. Using the default policy, the PA blocked 56,6% of attacks. After rapid tuning that consisted of changing just three setting



The customer currently has 4 internet links (3 DSL & 1 leased line). They have an office in Site B and they require VPN connectivity between the 2 locations. The simple requirement is that the VPN has to be established and all 4 internet links have t


roshithw by Not applicable
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Resolved! Active Directory 2008 Supportability


New to PANs (PA2020s) and trying to find if the Agents are usable with AD 2008.  We are migrating and want to ensure we are not about to break the authentication.

Thanks in advance.

Memory Utilization on PA-500

Is it normal for a PA-500 to have memory utilization in the 95 percentile?

Just recently unboxed a unit and after all the applicable updates, available memory seems to be around 15 - 20 megs (out of 1000).

Security Certificate Error

We've had a few instances where we are on websites, the one I have witnessed is simply, and then while I am browsing I'll suddenly get a certificate error well after the page is loaded that is generated by the PA-500 unit.  I did not see this


ScreenOS to PAN VPN?

Tomorrow I intend to try and get a Juniper SSG talking to our PAN so I can have a VPN tunnel between two sites.

The PAN is already configured using the defaults in the example PDFs on the knowledge base.

Does anyone know if there are any specifics that


Resolved! URL Filter Conflict - Which Wins?

I've done some testing but I just want to be 100% sure of this.

Let's say I have a URL Profile that blocks shareware sites.

Let's say I create a custom URL category that contains shareware sites, and on that URL Profile I set my custom category to "all


Resolved! Speed limit each user ?

Is it possible to ratelimit each user in a usergroup or adressgroup using the QoS feature ?

I want to limit each user to examle 3 mb/s maximum (all kind of traffic)

Regards Stig

stig by L1 Bithead
  • 3 replies

Resolved! “Here you have” Virus (aka W32/VBMania@MM)

New virus, described here:

Is this virus recognized by the PAN devices?  I'm not sure how to look that up, or I would do so myself.

If not, any thou


Resolved! Range of logs stored on PA-4050 appliance

Hi All,

How do I find out the date range of the logs still be stored on an appliance?

If its FIFO Id like to know how far back the current logs on the box go back.

"show system logdb-quota" will tell me what space is being used and by what,

but not when


KatanaNZ by L3 Networker
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