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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Resolved! Video and speed are slow when using MS-teams


Currently using ms-teams.

In use, if many users participate in a meeting, the picture quality and speed deteriorate.

Because the paloalto firewall is also in the middle of the network environment, the operation of the firewall is also suspicious.


jskang by L1 Bithead
  • 4 replies

stdlib.syslogMiner issue

She wants him to **bleep** inside -
My slutty neighbor cums on my **bleep** -
Red haired girl comes twice giving **bleep** -

Grantru by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

Does PA fail closed by default?

I'll be darned if I can find any documentation that speaks to if/how interfaces are configured to fail closed if there's a system or interface issue.

Does anyone have a URL that talks to this?


Thanks, Jeff


IPv6 Support

Are there any updates as to if/when PAN will support DHCPv6 Client and IPv6 Prefix Delegation? This is preventing a purchase for me. Without the ability to receive an IPv6 address and prefix delegation dynamically on the WAN interface, this is a show


access logs from bluecoat proxy to windows user-id agent

Trying to get bluecoat proxy to send its access logs to windows user-id agent. configured custom log on bluecoat in the following format


PAN Source=$(c-ip) Username=$(cs-username) Action=$(s-action)


On user-id agent side I am seeing server receiving


fwguy77 by L1 Bithead
  • 8 replies

Global protect - external gateway blocking?

In the global protect gateway settings where you can select the priority by region does the firewall block connections from any regions that are not included there?


this is the article discussing the feature I’m referring to:



Can't enable user-id on sd-wan zones

I need to enable user-id on panos sdwan zones - e.g. zone-to-branch. I can enable it in the template on panorama, but it doesn't change on the firewall when pushed. Everything else is working fine, so this is not and template/stack issue. Is this a s


Resolved! Basic question regarding policy

Just trying to understand the policy a bit more.

under the policy |  application, if I select FTP and select http/s under the service, I assume fw is expecting FTP to run on port 80/443?

hence, if I select app default on services, it will then expect


Shadow by L2 Linker
  • 3 replies

Panorama in AWS

In an AWS environment which is making use of the TGW and GWLB,  is it okay to deploy Panorama in a VPC that gets routed through GWLBe or should Panorama get deployed in the security VPC and have the route tables bypass all gwlb endpoints?


I'm wonde


Resolved! Is A/P Throughput synchronized?

Dear Team,


I know that sessions are synchronized except for the conditions below in the A/P configuration.


-In Active/Passive mode, ICMP and host sessions are not synchronized between peers.
(Note: A host session is a session terminated on one of



How to correctly decrypt FTP (over TLS) traffic


I am facing the common issue of Passive FTP (over TLS). Basically, the connection fails due to the dynamic ports assigned in the encrypted channel. It is clear that the solution is to configure PA to decrypt the traffic to identify the dynamic po


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