General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


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JayGolf by Community Team Member
  • 0 replies

GlobalProtect Silent Install

We are currently in the stages of switching over our equipment to palo alto. In preparation, we are installing the global protect app on all machines ahead of the migration. I've got a silent install setup, but once it completes, I get a connection f


Resolved! unkown-tcp/udp session timeout?

Dear all,

What is the session timeout for unknown-tcp/udp?

Since this is an application which has no values set for timeout, can I conclude it will use the default-tcp/udp timeouts?

Kind regards

mr.linus by L4 Transporter
  • 5 replies

OpenVPN support on Palo gateways?

Palo gateways have supported ipsec site to site vpn for a long time. Do they also support acting as an OpenVPN gateway? I dont mean openvpn passthrough to a backend. I mean actually being the Openvpn endpoint.

Resolved! Found a PA 200 in the trash

Hi, i found a PA 200 in the trash, it works fine, is it viable to use it as a firewall. I don't have access to any support at all. Not even a os update of some kind. And is there any way i can get said update. Have a great day.

RobFut by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

revert but not the config

Is there a way to "revert" via cli?  I don't mean config changes either, I mean like the following places:

1. Network > Interfaces > Ethernet1/1

2. Device > Setup > Management

I'd like to script out reverting these.


Resolved! Port Shutdown

I don't think there is, but just double checking.


Is there anyway via GUI or CLI to shutdown a port on the Palo?  There are times when I would like to do some configuration, such as sub-interfaces and so on to an aggregate group that is plugged int


Access denied

Hello Palo Alto Community ,

I have problem in communcating betwen Fire wall and Domain Controller (ldap).Status show me Acces Denied on Server Monitoring,i try change user roles to fix it  , but again show me the same status  Acces Denied .

Please he


Global Protect on IOS Always ON VPN sanity check

I've had a Palo Alto case open for almost 9 months now that appears to have devolved into a finger pointing match between Apple and PAN and I'm going to have to make some decisions here, I don't know if anyone else uses that functionality or not.  Ap


Access Denied (Server Monitor)

I configured the Base name and bind name properly but we facing the following error in putty “pan_user_id_win_get_error_status(pan_user_id_win.c:1130): WMIC message from server AD-Monitor: NTSTATUS: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED - Access denied” and  “pan_

... by L0 Member
  • 5 replies

Unable to connect to dataplane interfaces

We have pair of pa3220 in active/passive with one LACP trunk interface and a WAN interface as standard L3 interface. All of sudden we are unable to connect to the VLAN interfaces on LACP trunk and WAN interface. Failed over the passive one and traffi


schedule security rules

I have 2 security rules, one needs to run office hours and one needs to run non-office hours. If the tcp session remains (not closed) can the same traffic use different security rules based on time ? or because the tcp session remains and it will sti


issues using in a firewall rule

Microsoft makes extensive use of the name to map to thousands of IPs in its Akamai content delivery network.

I find that i have issues trying to use FQDN host object in a firewall rule. Many times traffic doesnt hit the rule.

I suspect


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