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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


PA NGF SMB bruteforce behavior



Im wondering what is the behavior of SMB bruteforce vulnerability alert from PA FW. Vulnerability id (40004) SMB brute force seems to be triggered by a child signature 31696(SMB login attempt). Question is the child triggered every time there wa


Session End reason & Application Status

I would like to know about Palo Alto firewall Session End reason, why we are getting those reasons & how we can resolve the issue.


For example:

tcp-rst-from-client—> it mean the client sent a TCP reset to the server.

tcp-rst-from-server—> it mean the s


Wildcard (* .) Based Policy

Hi All,


I have a bit confusion about Wildcard based(*.) policy on PA firewall. If we have to apply policy for * as destination for port 443, will there be any additional configuration require to achieve this or have to follow traditiona


Jimmy20 by L2 Linker
  • 3 replies

Resolved! OSPF routing error

can you help me with logs errors of devices?

I set up OSPF in PAlo Alto this way:
Area 0 on tunnel interface and Area 28 on interface ethernet Palo Alto.
Neighbors succeeds, counters are all true. I can send a screenshot if it is needed.

At the mom


melnikov by L1 Bithead
  • 4 replies

Bluecoat GlobalProtect

Hi guys,


Does anyone have any news with Bluecoat working with GlobalProtect? There is a Bluecoat proxy before the firewall, and GlobalProtect through this proxy does not work. Without it, it works. Just want to know if anyone has any information at a


MineMeld on Ubuntu 18.04



Is MineMeld supported on Ubuntu 18.04? There doesn't seem to be any documentation or mention of Ubuntu 18.04, we've ran into issues trying to set it up as we were trying to rely on the 16.04 guides but Ubuntu 18.04 has changed quite a bit from


MoeJomha by L0 Member
  • 9 replies

Resolved! Cannot add PA-VM to Panorama management

Hi there,


I am trying to add a new firewall to panorama management following this guide:


Application vs Services

Hi Team,

I have a couple of questions in application vs services.

1. I have to permit a list of services for a particular traffic. In those list some of them are already in the applications like DNS, IMAP, Pop3 and I need to create some services with c


Resolved! Global Protect Pre-Logon

I'm setting up Global Protect Pre-logon and I have been able to setup the portal and gateway fine. I have hit a brick wall as the only way I have got this working is to log into the laptop and then I log out of the laptop and then the pre-logon is wo


Resolved! DNS issue over Global Protect split tunnel

I have an SFTP server. When users are inside the office they have to connect it via private IP. When they are at home they should go via public IP. I am using the same DNS server in Internal and Global Protect as well. I have excluded the private SFT


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